Ch 13: The Chat

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Once Ladybug said the magic words and restored everything back to normal, Chat started to get antsy. The kid with the red beanie sat dazed on the pavement.

He shook his head. "I gotta control my anger." He brushed himself off and trudged home. 

Ladybug watched him go, scratching her head. She hoped he could learn to control his anger.

He vaulted away and turned his chin over his shoulder. "I'll go check on the civilians!" He didn't even stay for their usual fist bump.

"Oh sh-" She jumped down before the rest of the word left her lips. Chat Noir couldn't find out her secret identity.

She made it back to the school and ran to the library. Once she made it back among her dazed friends, she tried to catch her breath.

Alya ran up and hugged her. "Marinette! Thank goodness Ladybug and Chat Noir were there."

Marinette smiled softly. "I couldn't agree more."

"Marinette!" Félix's voice came from across the room, behind the sea of people.

Marinette searched through the crowd. "Félix! Are you okay?" she called back. He got seriously hurt because of her. While all the physical damage is undone, the emotional scars can still linger. 

She finally spotted him. Did he look happy to see her or was it her endorphins telling her that?

Félix rushed up to her. "Yes, I'm fine. Ladybug and Chat Noir saved the day again."

Marinette grinned. "That they did." She wondered why Chat never came to 'check up on the civilians'. Maybe he peaked in through a window like a creeper.

He frowned and pointed at his phone. "I have to go. My dad is calling about the latest akuma attack and wants me home."

She waved reluctantly. "Bye, Félix." She didn't want him to leave.

He headed towards the exit and called to her over his shoulder. "Goodbye, Marinette."

She watched his back until he disappeared. They never even got to play video games.


Félix was feeling restless and cooped up. He needed to break out. His dad stopped joining him for dinner a week ago. Now he just ate by himself with Nathalie watching. When he finally got to his room, he fell face-first onto his bed.

Plagg talked with his mouth full of cheese. "Wow kid, you're dad is even more distant than normal."

Félix's voice was muffled against his pillow. "Don't remind me." He got up from the bed to thumb through his library of books. His ring caught his attention. It was still covered by the glove on his hand. He pulled the black gloves off and threw them in the corner of his room.

"Plagg, claws out!" 

"Cooooommmeee ooonnnn," Plagg yelled as he was sucked away.

Félix needed to cool his head, and it was too late to go to the ice rink. He slipped out the window and into the night as Chat Noir. He vaulted through the city, stopping at a rooftop near the park next to where Marinette lived.

A Little Bit of Bad LuckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora