Ch 20: The Yin and the Yang

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Marinette and Félix traveled to the temple using the Horse miraculous. Félix insisted on being the one to use the miraculous. She watched carefully as he transformed into Chat Noir before unifying with the Horse miraculous.

Su-Han tapped his staff on the cement floor when he noticed Marinette's listless stare.

Félix tapped her forehead with a chocolate bar. "Marinette, pay attention and I'll give you this chocolate." He had gotten it from some girl the other day. She shoved it into his hands and then ran off before he could say anything. He didn't like chocolate, he preferred tea.

 He didn't like chocolate, he preferred tea

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Marinette gritted her teeth. "Okay." She had wanted to snap back and say 'Don't patronize me!', but she restrained herself. Things had been good between them and she didn't want to ruin that. Also, chocolate.

Su-Han explained the history and birth of the miraculous, something they both had already heard from Master Fu. He explained to them that the Cat miraculous had bad luck attached to it in order to make the destructive power less attractive.

"Félix, I know the Cat miraculous is a heavy burden to bear, but it takes someone special to be able to wield it properly. You don't have any reservations about being the holder, do you?" Su-Han asked.

Félix glanced at Marinette and then he turned back to Su-Han. "I will fight Hawk Moth, but after that, I don't know."

Su-Han nodded. He knew how troublesome the Cat miraculous could be. "Let's continue by talking about the yin-yang symbol and what it represents.

 "Let's continue by talking about the yin-yang symbol and what it represents

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It symbolizes everything in this universe. However, the Yin and the Yang are two separate parts, represented by the corresponding black and white. Think about it like the balance and harmony you two can bring while using your miraculous."

"The Cat and Ladybug miraculous are a perfect balance between each other. They are always more powerful when used together. If both of them are worn at the same time, a wish can be granted, but there will be devastating consequences," he continued.

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