Ch 1: The Cursed Ring

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A/N: The asterisks indicate change of scene


Marinette opened her eyes and enjoyed the few seconds after a deep sleep where you almost forget who you are. She glanced at the clock. 9:03! 

"Ah! Tikki! How do I keep sleeping through my alarm clock?" she asked the red kwami who hovered over her.

"You need to stop staying up so late," Tikki scolded. 

"Yeah, yeah," Marinette replied while scrambling around her room. She tore open the trapdoor and rushed down the stairs with her backpack, purse, and kwami in tow. She blew through her house, said goodbye to her parents, and hurried out the door.

Her parents, Tom and Sabine, shook their heads lovingly at their daughter as they watched her scramble by. They wondered if Marinette would ever stop sleeping through her alarm.


Félix sat at the long desk closest to the door in the front of the classroom. To his left, sharing the table with him, was his acquaintance, Nino. He got along with Nino but didn't know how to maintain a friendship. Could he call Nino a friend? He hadn't said much to him in the entire first month of 10th grade.

He was used to being alone. The only "friendship" he had known was with Chloé, who was also in his class, and she annoyed him to no end. Could he call that a friendship? They were only friends because their parents were friends. Well, her father was the mayor, and his father was a prominent Parisian fashion designer, so his father approved of their friendship.

He felt stuck under his father's thumb, unable to do what he wanted to do even though he didn't even see him all that often. He couldn't go to the library without his bodyguard, Gordon, following him. Recently, something changed that, but along with it came accursed bad luck and one pesky cat kwami.

Marinette exploded into the classroom, breaking up his thoughts. She tugged at one of her pigtails, and struggled to explain her tardiness while trying to catch her breath. Félix thought she was strange.

"Just take your seat, Marinette," Mrs. Bustier sighed.

"Sorry!" Marinette rushed to her seat directly behind Félix. Her seatmate whispered something that made them both giggle. After this disturbance, the lesson continued without interruption.

At the end of class, Nino turned to Félix.

"Hey Félix," Nino gulped.

"Hey Félix," Nino gulped

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"Yes?" Félix raised his eyebrows. He assumed, from his body language, he was gearing up to invite him to hang out with him again. He admired the guy's dedication, but his father would never allow it. He didn't mind being alone. Besides, who would want to hang out with someone with terrible bad luck?

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