Ch 10: The Nightmares

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Félix felt numb. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out Ladybug's figure holding him in her arms. She was crying. He tried to call out to her, but nothing came out of his mouth.

Plagg shook Félix awake. "Wake up! I'm tired of hearing you mumble 'Ladybug' in your sleep."

Félix was jolted from his nightmare and blinked his eyes open to a close-up of Plagg's face.

Plagg studied him. "Kid, you don't look so good."

"I just a terrible nightmare. I wonder if it has anything to do with whatever I felt down in those catacombs," Félix rubbed his eyes and groaned. It had already been over a week but he still felt the dull sense of dreaded doom following him around. Plagg insisted they never think about it or return to that place ever again.

"A nightmare?" Plagg asked.

"If you must know, it was about Ladybug,"

Plagg gasped exaggeratedly. "No, really? I wouldn't have guessed with how many times you called out 'Ladybug'." Plagg laughed, but deep down he was worried. Premonitions of the future dreamt by a miraculous holder were never something you just ignored. Maybe it was time for Félix to meet the master.

When Plagg had secretly met with Master Fu and Wayzz before, Tikki mentioned her holder had started to have nightmares. Plagg saw his Master's face squirm with worry, and he knew that couldn't be good.

Félix smoothed his hair down. "You don't think it means anything else?" 

Plagg shrugged. "I don't know. I think it's time we talked to someone else about it."


Marinette laid under the covers and stared up at her ceiling. She barely slept 45 minutes last night, and today was the first day back in school after their break. Her thoughts were stricken with fear and anxiety. Tikki had assured her they were going to see Master Fu today to see what the nightmares were about, and to ask him about the malicious energy they felt down in the catacombs.

She just wanted to close her eyes, but every time she did, her thoughts drifted towards the dreaded sense of being prey and impending doom. The nightmares alone were bad enough. She glanced at the clock and realized she was going to be late.

Marinette sighed. "Tikki I just can't keep up." She rushed through her room, gathering everything she needed, and flew out the door.

She made it halfway out the door when she realized she hadn't done her hair. Who has time to look cute when you're tired?

Marinette sprinted down the streets, her black hair whipping behind her. She remembered now why she had always tied it up. A chunk of hair plastered over her eyes as she neared the school gates. She heard a car door open and then smacked into something sturdy but soft, toppling over what she crashed into.

Félix eyed Marinette down. "This day can get better any time now." He grumbled to himself and stood up, brushing himself off.

Félix had guessed who crashed into him before he even got a good look at them. He probably would have been more surprised, and maybe a little disappointed, if it wasn't her. Although the hairstyle was new.

Marinette brushed her hair out of her face and stood up to face him. "I-I'm sorry, Félix. I've had a pretty terrible morning, too, if it's any consolation." She had thought he might be a little nicer to her after their frightening experience together. 

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