Ch 4: The Trouble with Secret Identities

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Hawk Moth had stayed away for so long but this raw emotion he was feeling was too good to pass up. He just couldn't help himself.

Why are they only crediting the people who funded the exhibit? I was the one who made the discovery! Without me, this wouldn't even exist! I hate them all!

He would send out one akuma. It might throw Ladybug and Chat Noir off his trail so they didn't realize he had much more in store for them.


Marinette stared down at the museum tickets in her hand. She wasn't sure if she was ready to ask Félix on a date, but she wasn't going to back down now. Being Ladybug had given her more confidence, and she needed to use it. Besides, Alya and Nino would be there too, so it wasn't technically a date. She spotted him in the school courtyard with his nose in a book during their second break.

She gulped. "Hey, Félix."

Félix set his book on his lap. "What is it, Marinette? Is there something you want to discuss about the project?" 

Marinette blushed. "No, actually, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Museum today with me, Nino, and Alya. There's a new exhibit for a recently discovered Egyptian tomb they are opening and I happened to have an extra ticket."

He stood up abruptly. "Sorry, my father would never allow that." He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, then quickly walked away.

" He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder, then quickly walked away

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Marinette stayed a while after he left. He always used that excuse, but after meeting his father she no longer questioned it as much.


"Félix, you are needed to attend an event at the museum today. They are opening a new exhibit that your father helped fund," Nathalie told him as soon as he walked into the door.

"Okay," he replied flatly. He had wanted to go ice skating today, but he couldn't disobey. He hoped he wouldn't run into Marinette and her friends.

The museum was crowded. It was hard to see anyone in the sea of people as his bodyguard led him to the front. He felt uncomfortable. Usually, his father hid him away from the world, only when his father didn't want to attend certain events himself would he send Félix in his place. He even sent Nathalie before he would send Félix. This had become a common occurrence lately. What was his father so busy with?

A scream erupted from the crowd jolting his attention back to the present. 

"An akuma!" someone yelled, pointing at the dark purple butterfly fluttering over head. 

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