Hollow's Eve (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Then? A dark chuckle echoed throughout the store before some kind of man walked in. He appeared to be in his early thirties, wearing a pitch black suit, black hair and fancy shoes. He looked villainous, alright. "I believe the store's closed, Golden Guard."

Hunter's eyes widened and his staff ignited with even more fire. "Lucas Pier, I presume?"

"In the ooze." Lucas said with a bow before cackling, his eyes suddenly glowing blue.

Jean became very confused. "Ooze? But you have-" His eyes then widened. "Wait a second! You're not human!"

Lucas blinked. "I have a haunted costume store, my eyes are glowing blue, and I know who the Golden Guard is. OF COURSE I'M NOT HUMAN!" He then cackled.

Hunter pointed his flaming staff at him. "HOW DO WE STOP THIS?"

Jean stomped over, sharpening his axes. "I advise you answer him, Lucas Pier."

Lucas just laughed again before backing up. "There is no Lucas Pier...there's only..." He then spun around, and his body suddenly began to change and drip. He began melting, his peach skin and black hair turning into black ooze. Then? An all too familar face showed, holding a Witch's staff.


Hunter growled. "GROM...I should've known!"

Grom cackled evilly. "You really should have, Golden Guard."

"Oh, no! Not Grom! Anything but Grom!" Vee whimpered before blinking. "Who's Grom?"

Grom narrowed his eyes. "Y-You can't be serious."

"Not even I know who you are." Jean-Luc said. "And I'm like a hundred years old or so. I honestly never counted."

Grom groaned. "I made this whole revenge scheme and I get realized by one person?! You've gotta be kidding me!!"

"See?! Disappointment on Halloween sucks, doesn't it?!" Hunter growled. "But you? Turning our friends into the monsters they dressed up as?! CRUEL-"

"Huh? Wha?" Grom asked. "I didn't do that."

Vee, Jean, and Hunter blinked. "Wait, what?"

"That spell's impossible! It's fanfiction at this rate!" Grom cried. "So? I did second best. After I managed to allow a piece of me survive The Witch's attack, I used my time wisely until Belos was destroyed...and also, I couldn't come up with a revenge scheme."

"It's harder than it sounds!" Vee agreed.

"The snake chick gets it!" Grom said. "Anyway, I eventually came up with something brilliant. Using my magic, I developed this entire store and the identity of Lucas Pier. But? The costumes were cursed. Each one, when worn on Halloween Night, would make the wearer THINK they are the monster they dressed up as!"

Hunter gritted his teeth before he had a realization. "So...Amity doesn't have a Vampire's bite?"


"Gus' scythe is still foam?"


"And Willow isn't a zombie?"

"Yup. They're practically harmless and more of a minor nuisance than anything else." Grom chuckled. "Plus, the curse immediately wears off when they look up at the moon or when Halloween's over."

Jean-Luc narrowed his eyes. "THIS was your revenge scheme?"

"Ehhh, more like revenge prank. I know I can't beat you guys! You beat THE TITAN for...Titan's sake!" Grom exclaimed.

Vee nodded. "True- Wait! Then that means Luz is-"

"Completely fine." A familar voice said before Luz stepped in, carrying King, Amity, Willow, and Gus in golden bubbles of some kind. Eda and Raine were right behind her, looking incredibly pissed. While Luz, she was still in her Witch costume, but looked VERY annoyed.

"SIS!" Hunter cried. "You're ok! How'd you know where to find us?"

Luz showed her arm, which had many bite marks. She then showed her neck, which also had bite marks. "Once I realized Amity couldn't suck my blood, and Willow couldn't turn anyone into zombies? I knew exactly what was going on. Also, I got hit by Gus's scythe a few times...completely foam. He just had Illusion Magic that made it look real!"

Raine sighed. "We figured the costumes had something to do with it, and now?" They cracked their fists. "I have ooze to obliterate."

Grom gulped. "Ah, fu-"

Needless to say, Grom was beaten and taken back to the Boiling Isles by Jean-Luc. Everyone else went back to The Owl House, back to normal.

Amity rubbed her head. "I hardly remember what happened..."

"Neither do I." Gus groaned. "I can't believe Grom survived."

"At least he's not coming back. For real this time." Hunter sighed.

Willow rubbed her head as well. "Yeah...well, sorry for trying to bite you guys." She laughed.

King giggled. "It's ok, Aunt Willow! I tried to bite people too!"

"And this is far from the first time I've been bitten by Amity-" Luz said before covering her mouth. "Uhhh, nevermind."

Happy Halloween!

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