Hollow's Eve (Part 1)

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(I know WAH is over! But I did say I would do some holiday specials! And with Halloween right around the corner? Might as well give ya a surprise! After this and Christmas though? Witches Among Humans is over for good!)

"Happy Halloween!" Luz exclaimed, hopping down from the stairs, letting the music Raine put on settle into her ears. To have a bit of fun, she was dressed as what humans thought a Witch looked like. She thought it was funny to make fun of.

"Nice costume, sis!" Vee smiled, slithering over with a Hershey's bar in her hands.

Luz smiled. "Thanks, Vee! Where's Hunter?"

"Still getting his ready. Mom and Moddy should be back from the store soon, and the others should be here soon too!" Vee smiled.

Luz smiled as well. "Good! Ah, Halloween's easily one of my favorite holidays." She said before checking her phone after it buzzed. She then gasped, seeing her wife to be and adopted son in their Halloween costumes, thanks to a photo from said wife to be. "Awww! Amity's a vampire and King's a little werewolf!"

"Awww!" Vee giggled. "I still don't know who I'm gonna be."

Then, Hunter walked out, but he looked...strange. He was wearing crimson, black, and golden ninja robes of some kind. Along with some kind of scar over his eye, most likely illusion magic.

Luz snorted. "You didn't."

"I did." Hunter laughed. "Everyone calls me Zuko, soooo-"

Vee began to giggle. "Honor!" She said in the character's voice.

Hunter laughed with his little sister, patting the Basilisk's head as he summoned his staff. "I can even make fire if I wanted too."

"Does that make me Azula then?" Luz said before faking an evil laughter.

"Nah, you're too nice, sis." Hunter laughed before the doorbell rang. "I got it!"

When he answered the door, there stood Willow, Gus, and Amity, who had King in her arms. Willow was a zombie, make up and foam brain exposure. Gus was the Grim Reaper, using illusion magic to make the scythe look real. And of course, Amity was a vampire with King a tiny werewolf pup.

"Cool costumes, guys!" Hunter said, opening the door as everyone walked in.

"When we called you Zuko, we didn't mean literally!" Willow laughed.

Hunter just had a smug grin on his face. "I'm very playful."

"Your dying words were 'yeet'. No duh." Luz laughed before King walked over. She knelt down, grabbing her phone. "Okay, smile!"

"Mom, do we have to take pictures all the time?" King asked.

Amity knelt down. "Yup. Our parents did it to us, so now WE get to do it to you."

King pouted before giggling and doing a little werewolf pose as his mother took a picture of him. He then ran off to get some candy (most likely).

Luz then faced Amity, holding her hand. "How's the search for that apartment we talked about?"

"Going great actually. I was actually thinking of using a summer home instead, y'know?" Amity said. "I mean, my family IS rich after all."

"I keep forgetting that." Luz laughed. "I think the writer does too."


"Nothing, honey." Luz smiled, kissing her future wife.

The rest of the party continued before Eda, Jean, and Raine showed up with a bit more snacks and food for everyone. "Well, everyone's already here!" Raine said.

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