Wrath of The Silver Soldier

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"Hey, Dad." Amity said as she entered Blight Manor with a smile on her face.

Alador smiled and walked over. "How was the date?"

"It was nice!" Amity smiled. "Luz is adorable when she tries to be fancy."

"I STILL wish we met under different circumstances." Alador chuckled, trying his hardest to not remember the time he was practically possessed by The Golden Guard. "But anyway, I'm happy to have you home, honey. I'll see you in the morning."

Amity nodded before beginning to walk up the stairs. "Night, Dad."

She then hummed a small tune as she grabbed the doorknob into her room and then went inside...but then saw something rather strange.

Inside was...a staff. Unlike Luz's, it had no Palisman. Instead, it was a glowing blue gem. And speaking of blue, the staff was surrounded in a blue aura, which allowed it to float in the air.

"What the...?" Amity whispered, walking closer to the staff. "Wait...this looks like Golden Guard's...but...silver?"

Then? There was a light and metallic chuckle. "Wow. You're real smart, pretty lady."

Amity's golden eyes widened before she took out an Abomination Glyph and tapped on it. Then? The clay shot out and formed into a sword. Amity grabbed ahold of it and whipped around, pointing it at the intruder.

And the intruder was indeed behind her. They were enveloped in a dark blue cloak, a silver shoulder pad on their right shoulder, and finally. They wore a silver mask representing a horned owl of some kind.

Their mask almost looked identical to Golden Guard's, but silver and with horns.

Amity growled, gritting her teeth. "WHO ARE YOU?"

"The gal who's gonna kidnap you." The intruder said before lifting out her hand and her staff came flying into her hand. She then swung it at Amity, but her attack was quickly blocked.

Amity then stepped back after breaking their clash, before quickly swinging again.

The intruder blocked the attack, and then sent out a blue blast of energy towards Amity.

Amity cried out in pain as it hit her and she slammed against the wall, sliding down.

The intruder cackled before walking over, and kneeling down, putting her hand under Amity's chin. "It's a shame I have to do this. You're real cute~"

Then? The door slammed open and the intruder was hit in the back with a baseball and she screamed in pain, tumbling.

Alador growled before lifting the bat again. "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER, YOU BASTARD!!!!"

The intruder roared before lifting her staff, and blasting Alador with blue energy as well. Alador cried out in pain as he was knocked unconscious and sent tumbling onto Amity's bed, dropping the bat.

"Damn humans..." The intruder snarled before grabbing Amity by her hair and Alador by his shirt, and teleporting away...but not before leaving a little gift in the form of a silver sword stabbed into the wall.

That 'gift' was more of a message. A message for the girl the intruder knew would come.

The next day, Luz scrolled down her phone, looking at some kind of human concept. She hummed as she read something called a 'Pre-Engagement Ring' or 'Promise Ring'.

"Well, this is certainly something." Luz said before hearing a yawn. She turned and saw her son. She smiled and nuzzled King. "Morning, honey!"

King yawned again and sat up. "Morning, Mama."

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