Ch 38: Mate-Block

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Sean's POV: 

Leave it to Theo to mind link me while I was in a lovely deep sleep. I slowly crawl out of my warm comfy bed and make my way to the shower. Theo so owes me for this. Alpha or not. I need my beauty sleep. Once I finish my shower, I get dressed and grab Theo some clothes. After I find him the perfect outfit, I walk downstairs and grab a bagel from the kitchen and make my way to my car. Right as I began to get into my car, I decided I should walk. If Theo's butchering this talk, I probably should take my time to avoid the most drama parts, but if he did well with the talk then they're probably doing all the happy mate stuff, and there's no way I'm going to walk in on that. I've walked in on that with my parents enough to know never to do that again. Her house isn't a fair walk anyways. According to my phone, it's like a fifteen-minute walk if I go through town, but it's a thirty-minute if I go around the town on the wood trails. I think id rather take the thirty minutes. Anyways, I just start eating my bagel while I casually walk through the woods to help my alpha fix his mate problem. I'm such a great gamma. I should get a special award or something for this or better yet, I'm so going to order a crown and make Theo call me your highness for a bit. I think that would be a great way to repay me for this. I keep walking through the woods but instead of eating my bagel, I'm now on my phone looking for a crown to buy. 

After about thirty minutes, I did make it to Alex's house. And yes I did eat my bagel. It only took me about twenty minutes to find the perfect crown. It's the biggest and flashest crown I could find. I also got it engraved to say "My Savoir" because let's face it. I'm saving his future right now. I'm now at their door and before I knock, I try and use my wolf hearing to hear what's going on. I couldn't hear anything which only meant two things. One Theo was dead and she ran. I doubt it though since her car is here. Two, they made up and were doing mate stuff that I definitely shouldn't interrupt. I stand there to think about it for a second when I decided Theo mind linked me. If I'm interrupting him then it's his own fault. I then start knocking on the door. Right after I knocked, however, I heard the smallest growl from Xavier. Maybe I should've just mind-linked before I knocked. I hear some more movement going on and I can tell they're moving downstairs. Oh boy, I definitely interrupted some mate stuff. I think about running for the hills when suddenly the door opens and an angry-looking Theo is answering the door. I look behind him and see Alex sitting on the couch. I then decide it's time to play with Theo. He wants to wake me up fine. Payback is my middle name. 

"Good morning Fabio, I see someone has been skipping gym days. Tsk, tsk, tsk I wouldn't skip anymore. Wouldnt want that baby eight pack to become a six-pack now, would we? How would your lady like that?..... Anyways, I brought you the best outfit you have in your closet." Theo is about to say something but Alex beats him to it. 

"Theo let Sean in. And while you're at it go change. I want to see this best outfit of yours." Theo just mumbles and walks away to what I assume is a bathroom. If not then I've got some questions for him. I walk over to where Alex is sitting on the couch and sit on the other end facing her. I sit there waiting for her talk. I am hoping her conversation with Theo went well and judging by how she's acting with him, it did. But I have no clue how she'll feel since I have lied to her so many times already. 

"I need you to clarify some stuff for me. Xavier was actually Theo the whole time? And every time you asked me to do something with Xavier, you were covering for Theo because he wanted to be near me? And me dogsitting this weekend was forcing Theo to tell me the truth?" I stop looking at her and look at my lap as I nod in shame. I lied to her so many times. How could I ever expect her to forgive me? Next thing I know, I'm being hugged. I look up at her. I'm just about to ask her why she is not mad at me and doesn't hate me but before I can, I just hear a growl and I immediately take cover behind Alex. This causes Alex to laugh. Mainly because well it's a hilarious sight. I'm bigger than her and I'm currently using her as a shield. Alex turns to see where the growl is coming from and immediately covers her mouth so she doesn't start bursting out laughing. In comes Theo in a hot pink hoodie that says 'Real men can rock pink' with his matching pink camo sweats and black Nike socks. As much as I should be scared right now, I couldn't help myself. I dropped to my side and started laughing. I laughed so hard I started to cry. It only got worse when Alex took out her phone and took a few pictures. I was probably laughing a good five minutes before Theo started walking over towards us. I immediately grabbed Alex and began using her as a human shield once again. Once Theo got to the couch, he grabbed Alex from me and placed her on his lap. He then kissed her forehead and started to inhale her scent to calm himself. 

"Well, I can see that you woke me up for absolutely nothing then. From the looks of this, you and Alex seem to be doing great and I could've slept in." Theo looks up at me and just rolls his eyes. He then goes back to smelling Alex. I shake my head and then remember something. Spirit week is coming up. Maybe I'll get some payback for waking me up. Sure he may owe me but I definitely have to get him back as well. "So Alex, you know how spirit week is coming up?" 

"Ya, they handed out little papers with the events of each day. Plus the school emailed us. Hold on, I'll pull it up on my phone." Alex struggles to get her phone out of her pocket since Theo is basically caging her in. She gives him a small 'ehmm' and he lets her grab her phone before caging her back. "Monday is gender swap day, Tuesday is animal kingdom day, Wednesday is your dream job, Thursday is bring your pets to school, and then Friday all seniors get to skip." I couldn't contain my grin when she talked about Thursday. 

"Anyways, I got to thinking. Since you know the truth now, you could technically bring 'Xavier' to school that day." At this time my grin is probably covering my whole face. The look on Theo's face is priceless. 

"OMG, you're so right. That could be fun." Alex then looks up at Theo and sees his grumpy/death glare at me. "Don't you think it could be fun?" Alex then adds a small pout. She may be new to having a mate but man has she learned fast how to get Theo to do whatever she wants. Theo looks down at her and sees her pout. 

"As much fun as that sounds, I doubt Xavier would like it. We wouldn't want to put anyone at risk now would we?" I've gotta give Theo credit. He has a good excuse but too bad for him. I have a much better counter. 

"But think about it, Theo. You and Alex have only a few classes together. But if you went to school with her as a dog, you'd be with her the whole day and could protect her." I smile once I notice his eyes fog over. Alex looks up and takes a minute before she realizes what's happening. She then just shrugs and lays back more into Theo while he mind links, Xavier. 

"Xavier actually likes the idea. So I guess if you really want to do it...........we can." Alex goes to jump up in the excitement but Theo's arms keep her caged in where she is. She just sighs and gives him a small peck on the check. I look at Theo and my jaw dropped. My alpha and long-time best friend is blushing like a five-year-old kid right now. I start to laugh for a bit but my laughing is only short-lived when suddenly and an idea popped into Alex's mind. 

"Sean, since Theo woke you up to be here and since you were so nice to give us that idea for spirit week, would you like to help me pick what accessories Theo should wear on Thursday?" I would be thought Theo was in trace but hearing that he would have accessories on pulled him out of it fast. 

"I'm sorry did you say accessories? I'm an alpha and a wolf. I don't wear accessories." Alex just rolled her eyes at Theo's statement. 

"You do on Thursday. Everyone knows I work at the grooming salon. What kind of dog owner would I be if you looked unkept and wild? And you know what? If you don't want to do it fine. I'm sure Sean wouldn't mind. Then I could just hang out with Sea....." Alex wasn't able to finish that sentence before Theo let out a growl. He pulled her closer to his chest and start mumbling in her ear. I'm guessing by her face, she got her way. 

The Alpha's Groomer [Semi-Paused]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora