Ch 48: Comfort

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Theo's POV: 

After Alex and I finished talking to Allison and Carter, we made our way to our room. I love saying our room, its so much better than saying my room. Once we get to our room, we make our way to the bed. Alex plops down and starts scrolling through Netflix on the television. After about five minutes, I noticed that Alex is just scrolling through aimlessly. I sit up besides her and wrap my arms around her. 

"What's wrong love?" She lead back into me and snuggled against me. As much as I love this feeling, I have a feeling something's wrong. She takes a deep breath before she looks at me.

"Am I bad friend?" I probably looked at her like she had three heads. How could she ever think she's a bad friend? 

"What makes you think that love?" She lets out a sigh and moves completely away from me. Now that were facing each other, I can see in her eyes the hurt and confusion in them. 

"I didn't know my brother was cheating on her. I didn't know she was evening thinking of Carter in a romantic way. Her and I barely spend any time together anymore. Not to mention, I didn't even know her and Carter were seeing each other seriously because I was so busy and distracted with what we have. Her and I used to tell each other everything. We would know what the other was feeling or thinking before they even said it. Now it's like we're keeping secrets from each other." I notice she starts to tear up and before the first tear can even fall, I have fully sat up and have her wrapped in my arms in my lap. She curls into my lap into more and shoves her head into my chest. She then began to full on ball. I sit there and just stroke her hair and hold her tight to me. After about ten minutes, she starts to calm down. I reach over towards the bottom of my nightstand and pull out the basket my mom taught me to make. In the basket, was a box of tissues, multiple different types of chocolates, plus this weird aroma lotion. My mom told me its good for when you're stressed. Personally I think it stinks, but it could just be werewolf senses. I turned Alex so she was now sitting with her back to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her forehead as I handed her the basket. As she goes through the basket I hold her tight. 

"You're not a bad friend love. You could never be a bad friend. Even though you didn't know your brother was cheating, you immediately stood by her and gave her all your support. You choice her over your own blood. You supported her at school. Not to mention you both still work together. As for the whole Carter thing, I didn't even notice that Carter and Allison were getting closer. Not even Xavier, my wolf, knew something was going on with Carter or his wolf. And as for us, we have been in a little bubble. I don't know about you but I've been enjoying our bubble quite a bit. Not to mention, we now know. Meaning if you want, we could do those cheesy awkward double dates or other couple stuff. Anything you want." She lets out a long sigh and leans back into me. 

"You're perfect you know that right?" I let out a small laugh and kiss her forehead again. 

"I've gotta be. I have the most amazing girlfriend and mate. I have to make sure  she gets everything she wants and so much more." She smiles and starts kissing my jaw and neck. My eyes start turning black and I can feel Xavier trying to fight for control. I tighten my grip on her a bit. I flipped her over so I was now hovering over her. She smirked at me once she noticed the change in my eyes. "Love, you really need to stop." She laughed and gave me a few pecks on the cheek. She then grabs me by the shirt and pulls me closer. 

"I want to watch a movie with Xavier." As she whispered that in my ear, Xavier took full control before I could even stop him. He pulled back from her and looked her in the eyes. She noticed Xavier was now in control and smiled. She then reached up and hugged us around the neck. Xavier took this as his chance and rolled over so she was now on top of us. He grabbed the remote and handed it to her. 

"You wanted to watch a movie love. Your wish is my command so come on. Pick any movie you want." I laughed at his 'your wish is my command' part. Who knew Xavier was such loving sap. Alex also laughed and picked the movie. She then snuggled into us and we began to watch the movie. 


I hope everyone likes this chapter. I'm sorry I haven't updated recently. I unfortunately was not feeling very well but I am finally feeling better and I plan to hopefully get back to updating once a week again. 

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