Ch 15: Class with Sean

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Alex's POV: 

Allison and I take our normal seats. Sean has to talk to the teacher about something, since he's new. He comes over and sits down with us. He just sits there while Allison finishes her small rant about her last class. Apparently she has a group project with Becca and Betty. Becca, Betty, and their friend Brittney are our school's mean girl group. I know it sounds weird but they literally are exactly like the ones from the movie. Becca has always had it out for Allison. Whatever Allison has, Becca must either destroy , take, or one up here somehow. It's really kinda sad. She does so much to spit her. Once Allison finishes she takes a deep breath and then lets out a big sigh. 

"So how are you liking it here?" Sean looks a little shocked we're asking but I'd like to be able to consider them friends and I want to make sure that the school is being welcoming. Just because they went to our 'rival school' doesn't mean we shouldn't welcome them. 

"It's been good. You guys are definitely a little skeptical about us but it's reasonable. The schools have always had a little tension." I'm kinda shocked at his response. From what Dylan told me, Sean was his schools best player and loved to join in on any and every prank he could. 

"Well I'm glad you like it so far. Can I see your schedule so I know what classes we have?" He lets out a small laugh as Allison and I look over his schedule. He actually only has one class that isn't without one of us. I have more classes with him than Allison since I take a bunch of senior and college level classes. We're talking about schedules when suddenly we hear a really loud growling sound. It sounded like it was in the school but we don't have any dogs in school. I look at Allison and she looks at me. We're so busy staring at each other that we don't even notice that Sean's eyes kinda glossed over. Suddenly Sean clears his throat and interrupts Allisons and I's staring. 

"Wow that was a loud motorcycle huh?" We both look at him like he's crazy. There's no way that a motorcycle made that sound. 

"You think that was a motorcycle? There's no way that was a motorcycle. It sounded like a dog. A big dog's growl. Right Alex? Come on, don't tell me that growl didn't remind you of how Lucas and Xavier were growling when Dylan came in. OMG Sean did you try to sneak your dogs in?" If Sean brought his dogs in that would be a sick kinda of joke. Especially since its his first day. 

"No of course I wouldn't bring them. They don't exactly love large groups of people. I thought I saw a motorcycle going by that's all. Maybe there's a sub who's putting on a movie and there was a large growl in the beginning." He says with a shrug like he couldn't be bothered. I get that he's new so he wouldn't know this but we never had any growling or anything strange before so it's kinda  a big deal. Our school is simple and quiet. We just shrug it off and then class starts. 

Class was long. It felt like the longer class we've had yet. To be fair, the teacher doesn't help. He talks like a robot and in even tempo. He's probably the most hated teacher. Not only does he talk really boring, but he also gives you full chapters for homework and tests or quizzes once a week. Not to mention, he loves giving out detention. You can imagine how popular he is. 

I meet up with Theo and his friend Carter and we go to make our way to the next class when suddenly Dylan comes over. Dylan and Theo go off to talk and tell us to go ahead. I stay for a minute and then decide I should probably respect Theo's privacy wishes. I start walking to class and sit down. This class I have with Theo. I'm kinda excited if I'm being honest. I don't know why but I get a warm cozy feeling when he's around. I like it. 


Hi readers, 

I recently got a puppy so I may not update as often because he is exactly 8 weeks. I will still try to update but they may not be as long as the last few. I hope you're enjoying my book so far and please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments. 

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