Ch 35: Doggy Day Care

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Xavier's POV: 

Everything was going great until mate put me in the pen with all the other dogs. I don't know even why she thought I'd want them over her. I want no one over her. Not even myself. I want mate. Mate left and is in another room. I've tried to find her but I haven't been successful. After an hour of pacing and trying to find mate, I laid down away from the dogs. I was quite comfortable and forgot to pay attention to my human. 

Theo's POV: 

Ever since Xavier took control, he has been keeping me at bay. Every time I've tried to take control when I think he's not paying attention, he somehow knows and blocks me even harder right then and there. I tried the entire time he was asleep. It was like he knew what I was thinking, which I guess makes sense since we share a mind. After an hour passes once again, I try a few more times. Eventually, I get tired and just decide to try more tomorrow. I decide to go to sleep and plan for tomorrow. 

I ended up sleeping longer than I thought and I woke up and we were already at Alex's work. Xavier hasn't left her side for longer than five minutes. Not long after, Xavier is put into the doggy daycare area. I couldn't stop myself from laughing a little at the fact he's now stuck with a bunch of random dogs. I keep ready for when he lets his guard down. Fourtantley for me, Xavier puts his guard down long enough for me to take control back. While Xavier was laying down wanting mate, I noticed he wasn't paying attention to me. As a result, I was able to take control back within seconds. Xavier tried to fight me but by the time he realized I had control back, it was too late. I finally had control back. 

The rest of the time, I was able to keep control even though Xavier kept trying to take control back. Eventually, Xavier stopped and I thought that was the end of it. The day went on and then the day was over. Alex closed up and we went back to her house. I couldn't help but noticed, she texted me a few times throughout the day. I'd be lying if I said knowing that didn't bother me. It's killing me to not be able to tell her why I'm not responding and I hate knowing she thinks I'm mad at her for not talking with me. Once back at her place, she feeds dinner and then goes to her room. She ends up texting me once again before going to sleep. I sigh internally if only she knew how much I wanted to respond to her. I laid down next to her and went to sleep. I thought now that it has full control, there wouldn't be a problem. Little did I know, Xavier had another idea. 


Sorry for the few short chapters. The next few will be a bit longer like the others. I hope you're liking the story so far. Also, would anyone be interested in seeing my puppy now. He's now five months old and thriving with all his puppy events and groups. I know a few people really liked seeing him as a baby baby so I'm just asking out of curiosity. Let me know if anyone would be interested in the comments. 

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