Ch 34: Work Day w/ Xavier

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Alex's POV: 

After talking with Ally, I got up and started getting ready for bed. After I finished, I got into my bed. Xavier readjusted himself and then he got all comfy and laid down. I turned on my tv and started watching for a bit. After about three shows, I decided it was enough and turned it off. I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly remember I never texted Theo tonight. I send him a quick text and then go to sleep. Not too long after I lay my head down, I am fast asleep. 

Morning comes along too quick in my opinion and I hear my alarm. I groan and get out of bed. I notice that Xavier seems to be sound asleep on his back. I let out a small laugh and take a bunch of photos really quickly. Once I have about ten, I make my way to the bathroom and start getting ready for the day. When I finish, I noticed that I had about thirty minutes before I needed to be at work. I walk out of my bathroom and see an alert Xavier frantically looking for me. Once his eyes fall on me, he seems to relax. Xavier gets off my bed and makes his way over to me. I just smile and give his head a small rub before leaving my room and walking to the kitchen. While in the kitchen, I grab an apple and some water for myself and then I pour out Xavier's dog food. I leave him to eat it and grab the mail while also checking for any packages. I go back inside with the mail and notice Xavier's done. I put the mail down and then go grab my bag and keys. I noticed that Theo hasn't texted me back so I just send him a quick good morning text then call for Xavier. He comes trotting in and I put his collar and leash on him. I still laugh a little when I read his collar. I don't know why Sean thought it was necessary to buy a collar that says 'hot thang' but it sure is funny. Once I have him in his collar, we make our way to my car and then I start driving the work. 

I pull into work with about ten minutes to spare. I walk Xavier in and start setting up. I figured I'd let him be lose until a few dogs come to the daycare. I don't want him to feel lonely. I finish opening up and then login into our system. I noticed that today is rather a busy day in both grooming and daycare. Looks like Xavier will be able to make a bunch of friends today. After about five minutes, a car I recognize pulls in. It's Mrs. Waters and her two german shepherds. They walk in and Mrs. Waters seems to be in a hurry so I take the dogs and lead them to the back. I unclip them both and they both take off running around. Once they're away from the gate, I walk back out front and grab Xavier. He seemed to love the idea of going somewhere until I closed the door behind him. I unclipped his leash and told him to go play. He looked at me like I was crazy so I gave him a small nudge. He started walking off so I opened the gate and closed it behind me. I continued taking dogs into daycare for the next hour and then my first grooming appointment comes in. It turns out that I have appointments all day and only about five minutes in between. I start grooming my appointments. After about two hours, I finish the bath and drying. I take a quick break to let the dog rest and move around a little. On my little break, I decided to check on Xavier. I walk over to the doggy care and notice that all the dogs are playing and running together while Xavier is just laying down on one of the elevated dog beds. I just sigh and shake my head. I walk away and continue my day. 

I finally finished my last dog. It's been about nine hours since my first dog came in. Today has been one of our more busy days. I start cleaning up, there is still one more dog other than Xavier in doggy day care so I leave them in there together. After another twenty minutes, the other doh's owner comes in to pick her up. We say our pleasantries and then they leave. I go and get Xavier out so he can walk around. I then finish cleaning up and grab Xavier to leave. I drove home and now Xavier and I are eating dinner. The night seems to be really easy. Ate dinner, tidied up a bit, and then watched a movie. Throughout the movie, I texted Theo on and off. I wonder if I offended him by not talking to him when he asked to talk. Maybe tomorrow I'll go by his house to see if we can talk. After sending a final text, I went to my room and showered for bed. Once I finished getting ready for bed, I got into bed and Xavier followed. We got comfy and then went to sleep. 

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