Ch 54: Model vs Beta

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Alex's POV: 

The day after the trial, everything seemed to go back to somewhat normal. My parents took off without telling anyone. Dylan was taking advantage of me always being at Theo's so he's been having people over pretty much constantly. Ally and I have also gotten back to normal. Since Theo and Carter have to do pack work for a few hours every day, Ally and I normally hang out. 

Theo and Carter were currently doing some pack work and I was just catching up with some homework when suddenly, the door swung open, and in came an excited Ally. She leaped from the doorway and jumped onto the couch by me. 

"OMG! You'll never guess what?"  Ally was bouncing in her seat so I put my stuff down and placed it on the table next to us. 


"My parents got a call from an old model friend. And they asked my parents if I was still wanting to model. Obviously, my parents said yes and now I have my first photoshoot in LA next week!" I couldn't control my excitement. Ally has been working so hard for this since she was little. I immediately got up and we started jumping and screaming, like the cliches in movies. 

"OMG, you've been working so hard for this!" We were still jumping and screaming when suddenly the door flung open and two freaked-out werewolf mates were there frantically looking for a threat. Ally and I looked at each other and just started laughing. After a few minutes of laughing, we managed to calm down enough and stop laughing. I walked over to Theo, who was still looking for the threat and hugged him. He hugged me back immediately and I could hear his frantic heartbeat. 

"What's wrong?" I looked up at Theo waiting for an answer. 

"We heard your guys screaming and we thought something was wrong." I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh a little. 

"It was good screaming. Not the bad screaming." He looked a little confused and I just shook my head once again. "Ally's parent got a call from an old work friend and now she's got her first professional shot in LA." Theo looked relaxed and nodded his head. We were still hugging so he just held me tighter. It wasn't until I looked over at Ally and Carter that I realized he didn't look very happy. I moved a little in Theo's arms and he must've realized that something was off as well. 

"Carter, you okay?" I looked up at Theo and realized he had a concerned look on his face. 

"No, I'm not okay. I just found out my mates leaving to go to another state to go get pictures taken without even telling me." I was still looking at Theo when I realized his face went really serious. Something wasn't good. 

"Carter, I was going to tell you. I just got the call today and you were doing work with Theo. I couldn't wait to tell someone so I told Alex first. I couldn't wait, but I was going to tell you." Ally was trying to calm him down. 

"You planned on leaving to get pictures taken. You are my mate and therefore you and I should've disused it." Theo pulled me behind him and I was confused at first until I saw Carter's eyes. They were flashing between dark and light. I looked back at Theo and noticed Xavier's eyes were flashing as well. Carter and Ally were still but I stopped paying attention. 

"Xavier, relax. It's okay." Theo turned to me and this time Xavier had control. "Please." Xavier kept control but then let Theo have control once again. Theo kissed me on the forehead and then we turned our attention back to Carter and Ally. 

"Why can't you just come? If you have such a problem with it, why not just come with me." Carter looked as if he was thinking for a minute but then he nodded his head. Ally got excited and jumped up and hugged him. 

"Yay! We'll have so much fun in LA. We can do the cliche sightseeing. Maybe do one of those cliche star tour bus things. OOO and Alex, you and Theo should come too. They said they might need extras so why not you." At this, Theo let out a growl, which caused Carter to move Ally behind him. 

"Theo, it's fine." He looked at me for a moment before he relaxed once again. 

"Ya, it sounds like fun. We would love to join you guys in LA." Theo's head whipped around to me and he looked confused. But I just ignored it. Then Ally and I began talking about what LA stuff to do, while the boys made their way back to their office to do pack work. 

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