Ch 58: LA Bound

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Theo's POV: 

After a thirty-minute drive, we pulled into a private airstrip. I pulled the car next to the plane and popped the trunk. The plane crew grabbed the bags and started loading the plane. I looked over and noticed that Alex was sound asleep. I was just about to pick her up and carry her onto the plane when Carter and Ally pulled in. I went to pick Alex up but to my surprise, she had already woken up. So instead, I grabbed her bag and gave her a hand out of the car. Alex stretched a little before walking over to Ally. I took this time to go and put her bag on the plane and make sure everything was set for the trip. I want my first trip with Alex to be perfect. After I put her bag on the chair and made sure the plane was stocked with all her favorite snacks and drinks, I went to see if everyone was ready to leave.

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" Ally and Alex smiled and ran up the stairs of the plane. I noticed that Carter seemed kinda off so I got off the plane and walked over to his car. "What's wrong? Not a big fan of LA?" 

"It's not LA that's the problem." I waited for him to continue and that's when he let out one of the longest sighs I've ever heard. "I'm not thrilled with the idea of my mate being stared at by a bunch of strangers. It's one thing when people we see do it but if she models then the whole world will be able to stare and I won't be able to do anything about it." 

"I get it. I wouldn't want Alex to be stared at by a bunch of strangers too. Have you told her? Maybe she'd understand and we could just have a fun trip in LA?" 

"She just forgave me for making a big deal about her modeling. Remember, you were there? Luca and Xavier came out. It's why all four of us are taking this trip. Not to mention I can't take her dream from her. Did you know she's been dreaming about modeling since she was younger? She always wanted to be a model. She's taken the whole werewolf thing pretty well and hasn't had any really big objections or issues with it. But how do you think she'll react once she finds out that the thought of her modeling for the world makes me furious and lose my mind? I could hardly sleep last night because Luca kept growling and arguing with me over her doing this." Carter looked up towards the plane and we could see the girls chatting and they looked so happy. 

"I get it. How about we just enjoy the trip? Who knows maybe she'll hate modeling and want nothing to do with it after this trip? Modeling is a demanding career with all the traveling, diets, shoots, outfit changes, and paparazzi. You never know. She may not enjoy it." Carter took a deep breath and seemed to be a little more relaxed. 

"You're right. She could hate it after this trip...Let's get going. The sooner we get there. The sooner we can leave." He grabbed his bag and we boarded the plane. 

The girls smiled as they saw us and we took our seats next to them. I gave Alex a quick kiss on her forehead as she and Ally talked about what they wanted to do in LA. She smiled and leaned her head against my shoulder. I placed my hand on her thigh and dropped my head a bit onto hers. Carter sat next to Ally and Ally must've noticed something was off with Carter because she kissed him quickly and took his hand in hers. It seemed to do the trick and snapped him out of his bad mood. We sat like this while the girls continued their conversation. The plane began to close up and the flight attendant came over. She began her speech about the plane safety and take-off rules. After a few minutes, she went back to wherever the flight attendants go and the plane began to take off. 

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