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I woke up and ran out of the room and I woke everybody up along with me we all ran down the halls listening to the where the screen was coming from, and we could hear echoing down the halls it was like a horror movie, but in real life.

I hate how terrible things keep happening to me and everyone in school. Hogwarts supposed to be a safe place where people can come and learn magic, I love this place so much and I'm just worried about who or what is going on.

As we ran down we saw a huge group of students surrounding the corridor and terrified,  this was a moment where in the horror movie something terrible is about to happen. I shoved everybody out of the way and then I saw something terrible, horrifying some thing that would change everything.

It was a body

No one could identify who it was but we we knew what it was A hufflepuf. And I was thinking  that the only person that could have been there was Eric.

I told all the girls what I was thinking they told me to calm down because they were having a boys night with Draco, Eric, Cedric and some other guys, the thing is I  would like to think that  Draco OK and is Eric OK I'm terrified right now and I don't know what to do, all we know right now is someone is dead and this is going to change everything. So right now this is a crime scene or it's a murder or they got murdered by someone or something but we don't know what it is that's the only thing that terrifies me.

And then out of the blue everything went  blurry and dark and then I was in my bed in the real world, somehow someone got me out of my shift and they know what happened.

I woke up with Brianna standing by my bed it was weird seeing her because I hadn't seen her in a while after what she did and what she said about Cedric.

" what the hell are you doing here?" I asked

" i'm here because something happened" she replied

There was a sudden pause in the room I was waiting for her to say something but she said nothing

" well tell me!" I said

" as you know I shift about every night but something terrible happened and I don't know how to explain it, I- I- I'm terrified" she replied

" i'm not your friend anymore you can't  just come to me about all your problems, I was kicked out of my shift and that was because you woke me up I was in the middle of something very important......I think-  no, I know what you're talking about" I said

" the... Dead... Body right?" She asked

" yeah that, and I think I need your help finding out who it is or who did what did it" I replied

" The only thing I'm questioning right now is that no one was there to witness it" she said

" and how do you know that?" I asked

"... I know because... I was actually walking in the hallways and I walked by the room where  there was blood streaming out so I walked in and I was the one who screamed?" She replied

At this point I don't even know what she was feeling when she saw that, I feel terrible for asking now. Even though she did some stuff to us in the past I just can't help to think she may be telling the truth,  it's just it all  happened all the sudden the ground started shaking....

" what the hell is going on! First a dead body and now this!" I yelled

I could hear my brother crying, he most likely fell because he's always so clumsy-

" I am sorry to ask this but what did you say when you saw... It" I asked

"Well to clarify things it wasn't a person and it was an animal he or she was like slammed in between objects so I couldn't see anything except just half of his or hers body in between the objects, I felt so terrible for him or her so I move the objects and I so what happened to him or her I don't even know how to explain it but his or hers body was still intact it was just... I screamed because I saw something weird" she replied

" I could tell they were a person that shifted and I know that because on every person that shifts they have a certain mark, like mine is a libra symbol on my ankle so right when I remove the objects saw Sagittarius sign on the back of his neck so that's when I knew that was a real person and they died in their shift and then probably will in the real world you never know if he's dead or not. So anyways, I screamed at it because in between the objects that he was...  I saw pieces of his or hers  room from the real world,  I think our worlds are colliding somehow-"

When she said that all of the sudden rumbling stopped but I looked on my room and something was different my walls are a different colour  and my room is a lot bigger and I realize some thing the color of these walls are the color of my walls at Hogwarts and the size of my room the shape of it was a shape and size of my room at Hogwarts.

"I think you're right" I said

Something was changing.

And it was happening very quickly.

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