Chapter 4: Broken Heart

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"" Harry said

"Oh i thought because you were saying all those things...." I said nervously 

" i got to get to class so i will see you later" Harry said and then he ran away

When he ran away it felt like everything was going to be different, but in a bad way...

I was walking to my next class and thank god Astronomy was with the Hufflepuff's but the only bad thing was I didn't know anyone from that house.  Once i had got to the classroom i saw no one absolutely no one i couldn't believe it... i missed the class or i am just ealry. i went to go and look around to see if there was anyone who was coming this way but i just looked like people were looking at me like i was some kind of crazy person. I decided to walk around and go find Tracey because she is a Slytherin maybe she knows if I missed the class or I am just early. While I was looking around I didn't see any of the Hufflepuff guys or girls, it looked like I was the only one in the was empty.

Then it just hit me maybe everyone was in the great hall...oh no did I miss something. I started to run to the Great hall but there still was no one there, where was everybody??

I have no idea what do, I went outside to clear my head and then I saw it...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!" everyone yelled, I was so happy but surprised at the same time, my heart was pounding out of my chest.

"we wanted to have the Perfect birthday for you, you have done so much for this school..." Tracey said

"you have gotten me threw fights" Harry said

"you have gotten me threw my issues with my dad" Draco said and I started to laugh

"you have made me the happy when I was down" Pansy said, then i started to smile

This made me so happy that my friends would all come together for my birthday. the stories everyone tells about me helping them i remember every single one i did. all of my emotions started flowing out. my friends started to rush toward me and gave me hug, i could feel there warmth of there bodies there love and support.

"thankyou guys so much for all of your love and support you have given me throughout the years" I said with tears in my eyes

"you don't need to thank us its time for us to thank you" Tracey said

"thankyou" Draco said

"thankyou" Harry said

"thankyou" Tracey said

"thankyou" Pansy said

Hours and hours had passed of me having the best time of my life. Once everything had ended I was sad but I knew I would be able to see them all later. I was leaving with so many new memories from these moments. I was on my way to thw slytherin common room and I was the gryffindor common room so I decided I would go and visit Harry but to my eyes I saw something that broke my heart. Harry Potter was kissing Ginny.......what....the......heck...

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