Chapter 21: Crying

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i continued the movie and I was not really watching it at all, because i couldn't stop thinking about Erik-


Rose, listen to me. Listen. Winning that ticket was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Jack is having trouble getting the breath to speak.


It brought me to you. And I'm thankful, Rose. I'm thankful.

His voice is trembling with the cold which is working tis way to his heart. But his eyes are unwavering.


You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up... no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise.


I promise.


Never let go.


I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go.

She grips his hand and they lie with their heads together. It is quiet now, except for the lapping of the water.



Fifth Officer Lowe, the impetuous young Welshman, has gotten Boats 10, 12 and Collapsible D together with his own Boat 14. A demon of energy, he's had everyone hold the boats together and is transferring passengers from 14 into the others, to empty his boat for a rescue attempt.

As the women step gingerly across the other boats, Lowe sees a shawled figure in too much of a hurry. He rips the shawl off, and finds himself staring into the face of a man. He angrily shoves the stowaway into another boat and turns to his crew of three.


Right, man the oars.


290 EXT. OCEAN / BOAT 14

The beam of an electric torch plays across the water like a searchlight as boat 14 comes toward us.

ANGLE FROM THE BOAT as the torch illuminates floating debris, a poignant trail of flotsam: a violin, a child's wooden soldier, a framed photo of a steerage family. Daniel Marvin's wooden Biograph camera.

Then, their white lifebelts bobbing in the darkness like signoposts, the first bodies come into the torch's beam. The people are dead but not drowned, killed by the freezing water. Some look like they could be sleeping. Others stare with frozen eyes at the stars.

Soon bodies are so thick the seamen cannot row. They hit the oars on the heads of floating men and women... a wooden thunk. One seaman throws up. Lowe sees a mother floating with her arms frozen around her lifeless baby.


(the worst moment of his life)

We waited too long.



IN A HOVERING DOWNANGLE we see Jack and Rose floating in the black water. The stars reflect in the mill pond surface, and the two of them seem to be floating in interstellar space. They are absolutely still. Their hands are locked together. Rose is staring upwards at the canopy of stars wheeling above her. The music is transparent, floating... as the long sleep steals over Rose, and she feels peace.

A whole other worldKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat