Chapter 1

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Today was a normal day the first day of 10th grade...

I was feeling pretty good about today I get to see my friends, but the only thing I don't like about the first day of school is, the new teachers. Every single year we get a new teacher in every subject because they say its good to meet new people every year. When you first step into your class you have, and I repeat HAVE to make a good impression.

But the one other thing I hate Is that my birthday always ends up on the first day back at school, witch is today. Today is my 15th birthday and all I want for my birthday is a new phone I have Iphone 7 and It kind of sucks because my brothers have dropped it, threw it across the room, and drop it in the bath because they wanted to see if it would float, like...

The one phone I want is the Iphone 11 pro because I need to be able to text my friends and I love taking amazing photo's. Once I got down stairs I saw my two twin brother's Zach and Zeke. My brothers are 5 years old they were born on July 15th 6 years ago. Anyways once I got downstairs I saw my brothers (like I said) and my mom and dad making pancakes, but I had to get to school early because my friends wanted to talk to me about something.

"hello Mother and Father" I said

"HI AMETHYST" my brothers said (I find it crazy how they can say my name correct but not my dads)(Tom)

"sorry but I have to go, I'm meeting up with my friends before school starts they need to talk to me about something." I said

"okay honey, have a great day," My mom said

After I left, I was walking to school and I got a text from my mom saying that she forgot to say happy Birthday to me, so she did it over a text... Once I got to school, I saw my friends waving at me and making those hand motions like they want me to come over, so I ran over to them gave them hugs because I missed them sooo much (I have 4 friends at the school, Molly, Bella, Brianna, and Chloe)

"OMG do we have some amazing stories for you!" Cloe said

"OMG we all found this thing called...SHIFTING!" Molly said

The first thing that had came to my mind was, what in the world is shifting...

"what's shifting?" I asked.

"shifting is this thing where you lay in your bed in a star fish position but before we get into the rest the thing you need to know Is that you have to be pretty tiered to do this. So, after you are in the star fish position you need to count down from 100 or you could count up to 100 whatever feels comfortable for you and once you have got to 1 or 100 imagine a door and when you open it imagine a big shining light and when you step into the light imagine your in whatever house common room you want to be in." Molly said

"wow that is so cool, anyways school is going to start soon we better get inside" I said with a smile on my face

"okay, lets go" Bella said

After Bella said that we went inside and the school was filled with people, it looked like even more than last year. Must have been a lot of people that graduated from elementary school. But these kids looked tall and older than they should be in grade 8. The day was going by so fast, by the end of the day I thought it was only lunch time, anyways I was in a rush to get home. But when I was walking down my usual route a man stopped in front of me. He started talking to me about some crazy thing that had just happened with his family and he said that he needed his granddaughter. I thought that he thought I was his granddaughter it looked like he had some memory loss. Or I might just look like his granddaughter.

"Sir... where is your granddaughter?" I asked

"Oh don't be silly Madeline....are you playing some kind of're my granddaughter" The man said.

After that man said that I began to talk with him, so I could properly know what was going on with this man. So, after we were talking, I had figured out that he did indeed have memory loss. So, I decided to take him home and help him out and try and help this man find his home. Before an hour could even pass by there was a policeman here trying to help him remember as much as he can, a doctor trying to figure out what kind of memory loss he has. After a bit they were able to locate were he lived and apparently it was all the way in Africa he was here to visit his family, so the only thing they had to do was wait for the family to call in a missing person named George Blue and then we can send him home to his family. After a while I decided to head back upstairs and work on my homework I had got assigned. A couple hours had passed, and I finished, I could still hear noises from downstairs, so it was clear everyone was still here, and still searching and waiting for calls. Once I finished my homework, I was getting a bit tired, so I was going to head to bed. I brushed my teeth, got my pj's on got into bed and then it clicked.........shifting......I shifted my position into a starfish position I closed my eyes and started to count down from 100,99,98,97,96,95,94,93,92,91,90.............

(a huge light flashes in front of my eyes, I close my eyes to block the light and I open my eyes and see......The Slytherin Common Room)

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