Chapter 13: Ruby

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Everything went blurry and i woke up in my bed in my common room.

I sighed, there is drama here, drama in the real world, but then I realized I have Lily and Erik and Cedric here which made me feel better. I got up out of my bed and put on a black turtle neck a green plaid skirt, and a leather jacket because it was a Saturday in my shift. 

I finished getting dress opened my door, then closed the door behind me, ran down the stairs to Erik and I jumped and hugged him crying.

"Hey-hey-hey what's wrong?" Erik asked me

"I saw Tracey kissing Draco" I replied sobbing in his arms

"hey its ok, just breathe and tell me what happened" Erik said

I told Erik everything, he didn't studder he just listened to what I was saying, he was the most engaging person ever, I am so happy I met him-

"That sounds pretty rough" Erik said hugging me on the Slytherin couch by the fire

"thanks for your support it means allot to me Erik" I said kissing him on the cheek

"Ok I think we should go to the great hall and grab some breakfast and just spend the day in your room playing board games" Erik said to me

"That sounds amazing" I said smiling

Me and Erik got up out of are seats and left the common room to the sight of Draco-

"YO WHAT THE HELL MAN" Erik said pushing Draco

"WHATS YOUR BLOODY PROBLEM!" Draco yelled back at Erik

"YOU KISSED TRACEY HOW COULD YOU!" Erik said and then Draco immediately looked at me and I looked away

"You saw didn't you?" Draco asked me

"yes I did Draco how could you, you didn't even pull away" I re plied with tears in my eye's

I grabbed Erik's arm and pulled him away bringing him further an further away until we got to the great hall. We entered the great hall with everyone sitting at random tables me and Erik decided to sit at the Gryffindor's table. I sat beside a girl named Ruby-

"Oh hi is it ok if I sit here?" I asked

"oh yeah no problem" Ruby said

"Ugh Ron come on, don't keep complaining" Ruby said

"But I hate this seat, its so bloody uncomfortable" Ron replied

"Oh well, your going to have to deal with it" Ruby replied laughing

"oh-my-lord Ron" I said laughing

"what? What would you do if you were in an uncomfortable seat eh?" Ron asked

"I'd probably move seats" I replied

"Yeah see she gets it" Ruby said laughing

Ron let out a huge sigh-

"He can be so annoying sometimes" Ruby said to me

"yeah" I said laughing

"I can hear you, you know" Ron said rolling his eyes

"Sorry" I said laughing

Me, Ruby, Erik and Harry kept talking until almost the great hall was full, and then a huge mist of magic swept over the table and in front of us was a cup of tea or coffee, and a tartine layered with jam and butter.

"Oooooh this look's so good" Erik said

"Oh-my-god I love tartine's there so good" Ruby said

"Me to" I replied

"Hey guys" Lily said coming are way

"Hi Lily" I replied

"Hi Lily" Erik said

"Hi Lily" Ruby said

"Hi Lily" Ron said

"These look amazing" Cedric said following Lily

"Hi Cedric" I said running up to him giving him a huge hug

"Wow look's like someone's in a good mood" Cedric said

"I'm in an amazing mood, all of my friends are here and my Boyfriend is here" I replied smiling at Erik

As Lily and Cedric sat down in there seats, I ran back to my spot and everybody was having an amazing time, making funny faces, playing with are food to make funny faces, we laughed and laughed, and we talked and talked. I think this was the first time I had time to hang out with all of my friends and my boyfriend at the same time. As breakfast ended we all said goodbye to each other and me and Erik left the room going to my common room. As we were walking down the halls we ran into Hermione-

"Hi Hermione" I said

"hello Amethyst, have you seen Ruby?" She asked

"yes I was just hanging out with her, why?" I asked

"Because I wanted to know I haven't been able to find her because I have been studying for a Defence against the dark arts test" Hermione replied

"Oh I did that test early, I got an O on it, I'm pretty proud of myself" I said

"I'm going to head the common room see you there?" Erik asked

"Sure" I replied

"Anyways, do you know what way she went?' Hermione asked

"Yeah I think she was heading to the Hufflepuff common room" I replied

"Ok, thank you so much" Hermione replied

"No problem have a great rest of your day" I said

"Thanks you to" I waved goodbye

I started to walk down the hallway and just my luck I ran into Draco-

"ugh god" I said

"hey just wait" Draco said

"Ok- what?" I asked

"I just wanted to say that I am very sorry, I am the one that kissed Tracey I did it because she was saying that she liked me but she didn't know for sure so I kissed her, and then after I asked if she was for sure that she liked me and she said that she thinks she doesn't like me, she said she wanted to know for sure" Draco replied

"Are you sure Draco, because I truly do not like avoiding you" I replied

"I am for sure Amethyst I would never want to ruin are friendship" Draco replied

"Ok I believe you, but you have to know that you lost a little bit of trust" I said

"yes I understand, now you can go on with your day" Draco said smiling

I went up to Draco and gave him a hug and then said goodbye and I finally could go and see Erik-

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