Chapter 14: The Day In

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I went to to go see Erik and I saw something incredible-

Erik standing there with blankets and board games all by the fire for all of are friends to play with. I also saw all of my friends with Erik, that is leobu ly why Draco and Hermione distracted me while I was on my way.

I started to tear up, this was probably the nicest thing enyone has ever done for me, well except for my brithday.
I ran up to Erik and gave him a huge hug and kissed him in front of everyone, everyone let out a, awww.

"OK so the first game is-" Erik said with the suspence

"bingo" Erik said with everyone clapping

Hours had passed with people winning, laughing, making jokes, and most of all having fun.

"BINGO!" I yelled about 3 times

Erik had explained at the end with the person who has the most points get's a full packet of chocolate frogs. The points were-

Draco: 1

The next game was Wink murder-
(Wink Murder is a great parlor or party game for many players. In this game, one player is chosen to be the killer and another to be the detective. All of the players sit in a circle with the detective in the middle. The murderer kills people by winking at them or giving them a special handshake. When a player is killed, he should lay down or leave the circle. Many players like to make the killing dramatic by, for example, pretending they've been The detective has three chances to guess who the murderer is.)

I won as the murderer about 5 times-
We added all the scores up and here's what we had so far-


Cedric and Erik kept on making jokes that they were tied. Me Lily and Ruby were talking about how it was crazy that all three of us had nine. Draco and Tracey were both laughing at Erik and Cedric's jokes.

The next game was ghost-
(Ghosts is a word game played entirely verbally. No equipment is needed unless players want to keep score with a paper and pencil. It's convenient but not necessary to have access to a dictionary. The first player says a letter and then, in turn, each player adds a letter to those already said—either at the start or the end—to form an ever-growing word fragment. The objective is to not form a valid word. Try to force another player to spell a word, or else try to get a player to say a letter that makes it impossible to form a word. If a valid word of four or more letters has been formed, then the next player starts a new word)


We all added them up and just started laughing at are scores. We all thought we have so much more than this at the beggining but guess what, we don't. We played about 3 more games and the scores added up to-

1st: Cedric w/ 32 points
2nd: Ruby+Draco w/ 29 points (tied)
3rd: Lily w/ 28 points
4th: Me w/ 27 points
5th: Erik w/ 24 points
6th: Tracey  w/ 22 points

We all started laughing at all the scores, I decided that I would try and script in a T.V to see there reactions-

"Hey you guys can I show you something from the real world?" I asked

"Yeah sure that would be bloody cool" Ron replied

"Ok" I said

I closed my eyes and I imagined writing in a little notebook saying (script in a T.V)

(everything went blurry)

(everything started to fog out and I saw all of my friends heads looking at me like I was dead)

"oh my god thank the lords your ok" Erik said hugging me


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