Chapter 2: An Astonishing site

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Once I opened my eyes it was amazing I saw people look at me then wave at me like they new who I was, but suddenly everything went blurry. It felt like I was having a flashback......

Past P.O.V

"hi" I said looking at a kid named Draco Malfoy

"Hello you must be the new kid... This is Crabbe and this Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" Draco said, then Crabb and Goyle waved at me and I waved back.

"I was wondering if you could show me around I don't really know were the Slytherin Common room is?" I asked

"Um well, no I don't want to help you I have better things to do, I am waiting for a certain kid that should be arriving soon so once again my answer is NO!" Draco said to me. I cant believe he was just rood to a new kid and didn't know were her own house common room was.

Then everything went blurry and it looked like it was my second year at Hogwarts...

I was walking down the halls with a girl named Tracey Davis she has brown short-ish hair, and blue eyes. While we were waking down through the hallways I saw Draco and I could tell that we still didn't like each other but then I started to smile because i think I saw one of my friends, and then Harry Potter came into sight (I had no idea I am friends with Harry Potter) I saw me go up to him and give him a huge hug. I think I just realized that I may have a crush on Harry Potter, because when I saw him I started to glow and when Draco saw me hugging Harry it looked like he was so mad.

Then everything went blurry (once again) and it was the third year at Hogwarts...

It looked like I was outside and we were having a class with Hagrid, and then a Hippogriff came into sight

"First thing you wanna know about hippogriffs, is that they're very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?" Hagrid asked

And then everyone backed away with me standing in front of everyone...

"Well done, Amethyst , well done" Hagrid said smiling at me. And then I started to look around and I saw everyone standing behind me. And then Tracey Pushed me and I started to walk forward...

"Now you have to let him come to you" Hagrid said

"Now be polite" Hagrid said

"now step back, and give him a bow, then you wait and see if he bows back to you, if he does you can go and touch him, if he doesn't now....well we will get to that later" Hagrid said.

"ok now make a bow" Hagrid said. So I bowed and I tilted my head up to the hippogriff, and then the hippogriff started to flap his wings and made noises...

"back off Amethyst, back off" Hagrid said warning me. I stepped back then tilted my head back up again and looked at the hippogriff he looked back at me with direct eye contact and...then he slowly started to bow back to me. It was a huge relief...

"well done Amethyst, well done" Hagrid said clapping, and then threw one of Buckbeak's snacks on the ground.

"go on pat him now" Hagrid said

So I started to walk up to Buckbeak, but nice and slowly, once I got up close to Buckbeak I put my hand out in front of me and started to walk closer but as I got closer Buckbeak started to put his wings out, but then I back away a tiny bit and he put his wings along side him. So I started to walk up closer to Buckbeak.

"ok now Amethyst let him come to you" Hagrid said. So I stopped right in my spot and then Buckbeak started to come up to me. Once he got up to me I put my hand on his beak, it was so amazing I could feel his energy rushing threw my hand it was like touching a really fluffy dog or horse. His fur was amazing I couldn't believe this was happening....

Then everything went blurry and it was my 4th year...

When the blur went away I saw me and allot of other kids standing around a tree with of course Draco sitting in it as per-usual...

"My Father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you will last 10 minutes in this tournament....He disagrees he doesn't think you will last five" Draco said with smirk on his face

"shut up Malfoy" Harry said

They both started to walk toward each other and then... I walked into the middle of both of them and said...

"hey boys that is enough of you two are so immature!" I yelled

"come on you both are better than fighting over what the other said, its like I have to patrol you guys 24/7" I said

"ya like I'm going bloody listen to you!" Draco yelled

"Hey don't be rude to her she didn't do anything" Harry said

"OK boys you need to stop this is not cool, oh and hell Draco just shut your ass I didn't ask for your bloody opinion right now  you neee start being more mature! " I yelled

Then evething went blurry but this time it wasn't me seeing my 4th year it was me standing right in the present...

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