Chapter 11: Closure

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As I was on my way to the common room I ran into Harry just my luck, I knew that he were going to try and say something because he had that look on his face when he whenever somebody tries  to come up to you and say that there sorry. I did not wanna talk to him I just had an amazing time with Lily we both laughed  and had so much fun I don't want him to kill the mood. So I decided that I would take a shortcut all the way around Harry. I know that I might be over exaggerating but my heart is pounding right now because I really do not wanna talk to Harry he hurt me deeply and it's still taking me awhile to recover from the pain that he's given me. And even though I may have liked him I know there is somebody out there that will make him very happy . And for me the person that makes me happy is Erik ,he makes me laugh it makes me feel like I can escape the world and all the drama around me when I'm with him, he makes me think of  all the good things that are happening in life and not all the bad things.

As I was taking the shortcut I was walking by the Ravenclaw common room and a girl named Luna Lovegood came out and she was just staring at me she looked like she was amazed by seeing me it was like she she had never seen me in her entire life before.

"hello, you must be ... Amethyst right?" Luna asked me

"Yep that's me, what are you doing out so late you should be in bed right?" I asked

"well I could ask the same about you" Luna said

"alright that's fair, well I am out late because I was hanging out with a friend and I'm taking a shortcut to my common room , now what about you?" I asked

"well I'm not to go to the library , I decided that I wanted to get in some extra work on Defence against the dark arts, I don't know why I just find it so interesting you know I love spells I love protecting the people I love 'cause I wanna be prepared when something hits" Luna said

"well that makes very much sense , I'm actually getting a bit tired and I don't think if I keep walking around much longer i think i might pass out on my way to the common room" I said laughing

"well then I hope I see you around more often I think it be nice for me to get to know you everything is much better when you have more friends come on I love expanding my friendship with other people was very nice getting to know you Amethyst" Luna said

"Yeah You 2 come on have I see around goodnight" I said

"goodnight you too" Luna said

After I said goodnight I passed by Luna and I took a left turn and I was all alone walking down the hallways and I could see my coming room about 20 meters away and then I had somebody yell my name I didn't know what it was I just kept walking because I didn't want to stroke myself because I was very tired. I kept walking a bit faster because getting bit scared because there's so much history about about the school he never know what's gonna happen even though that there is nobody else in a school that would hurt me go even tried to hurt me I just wanted to get to my common room and go sleep. the person kept yelling my name and as I got closer and closer and closer I recognized the voice it was Harry. I was surprised that he wanted talk to me after I took a shortcut making sure that I did not see him while I walk by him because I did not wanna talk to him at all, I thought he would have gotten the hint I never want to talk to him ever again but I need you come by that I would always have to face him face to face once in awhile but I never knew that it would be this soon. I stopped right in my spot and he turned around and Harry  looked like he was in a lot of stress coming to me so I did another favor and I just stopped and waited for him even though I did not wanna talk to him at all I knew that I would have to face this sometime in the future but I decided that I was going to do it now what better time than me sleepy. Harry got closer and closer in the end he looked like he was running out of breath so I did him another favor and started walking towards him he started slowing down and then this happened ...

"Oh my God thank God you stopped typing in such a rush to say something to you come up I am very sorry the way I've been acting come on I know that it's gonna take you awhile for me to earn your trust back , I just wanted to come up to you and said that I was very sorry I know that I shouldn't look history knee but I did and before you interrupt me, I got caught up in the moment Jenny was telling me how she felt about me and they didn't want to make her feel bad sing me the charity like me and she knew I hate you like me too so I decided to kiss her because I was in under lot of pressure when you kiss me because I had a lot of mixed feelings about you" Harry said

"Harry I know that you're sorry and from here I can already tell they're certain terip because you were one of my best friends a guy that I liked and yes indeed it will take me awhile me trust you once again. I know idea what to say knowing the truth it's hard for me to believe you that you telling me the truth because you lied to me and maybe just maybe I will be your friend again but you're gonna have to show me that you really want to be my friend because I can't be your friend if you're gonna keep lying to me. I have no idea how many times you've lied to me so far now but you can just lie to me in an instant without even thinking about it just lying just like that. So yes when I'm ready I will come to you as a friend nothing more than that OK. Pics Alaska beloved days Eric has helped me through so many things poison I'm feeling about you and he's made me just forget about it , Harry you an amazing person and you deserve somebody that will love you , but that person is not me and I have realized that now, Harry I do love you as a friend deep down inside but that pie is not showing right now because I still don't trust you right now OK do you get that?" I asked Harry

"I absolutely get it come  when you're ready I will be waiting to be your friend once again" Harry said turning around and waving back at me, this closure made me feel so much better.

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