I wish... I wish... I wish

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Chapter 12 – I'm Sorry

"How long is forever? Sometimes, just one second."
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

As I was kneeling in front of Clarke, I watched as a flood of different emotions passed through her eyes. I remember thinking... say yes, Clarke. But she remains quiet and kneels down in front of me, so we were eye level.

I let my hands fall into my lap, still holding the open box, as my heart sped up to what this meant. Clarke doesn't look at the ring though, she keeps her eyes on mine, after she wipes her tears. "Are you sure?" She whispers, after drawing my forehead to hers.

Never once, in our entire relationship, had I ever questioned the love Clarke had for me. I knew, that as much as I loved her, she loved me just the same. So, any objection she was going to have, was going to be for my benefit. "You and me, Clarke... we belong together. There's nothing I have ever been more sure of." I reach for her left hand, and put it over my heart. "This is and always will be yours, I promise you." I pull back and watched the smile spread over Clarke's face. It told me her answer, but I still wanted to hear the words. "Say yes, Clarke."

A spark of defiance ignites in her eyes at the command, and I wondered how she was going to play it. "Yes." She says softly, after only a second of deliberation. "Yes!" Clarke repeats louder and then attacks my lips, throwing her entire weight into the kiss. It knocks us both back and I just have enough time to close the ring box, not wanting it to fly out. "Yes..." She repeats multiple times, in between small pecks to my lips.

I reach up and grab the back of her head, keeping her lips on mine, once I felt that tongue of hers slip into my mouth. Clarke's kiss, will forever be my favorite flavor.

"Does that mean she said yes!" I hear Octavia call out, now on the dock and running towards us.

Clarke was laying on top of me, but pulls her head up, taking her lips and tongue with her, when she hears her best friend. Clarke pushes herself off me and stands up, smoothing her dress and hair in the cutest fashion. I'm still laying on my back when Octavia reaches us and collides with Clarke.

"Let me see! Let me see!" Octavia grabs Clarke's hand and snaps her head in my direction, when she doesn't see the ring. "How? We went over this how many times?" She starts counting on her fingers. "Get her alone. Try to tone down the awkwardness long enough to ask her the question. Then, put the ring on her finger!"

"Octavia..." I say while getting to my feet, but couldn't continue because Clarke rushed me again and jumped into my arms for another kiss. When I put Clarke back down, my breath was stolen from the look that was on her face. She was the happiest I'd ever seen her. And trust me when I tell you, there isn't a word in any of the languages that I know, that come close to describing how happy that made me. "I love you, Clarke." I whispered this to her before kissing the side of her smiling mouth and opened up the box again.

Her hands went to her mouth and her teary eyes got wide, as she finally took a good look at the ring. "Lexa..." And that's when I knew I had gotten it exactly right. I reached for her left hand and slid the ring on her finger, before kissing the spot I was hoping it would reside forever.

Clarke wanted to stare at the ring, but she also wanted to kiss me again. I couldn't keep the grin back, as I watched her look between the ring and my lips. Eventually, my lips won out over the sparkling stones, but Octavia snatched her hand up, to stare while we kissed.

"It's so perfect. Look at the way it shines." Octavia makes a high pitched squeal that Clarke returns, against my mouth. It's then that I decide to let Clarke have this moment with Octavia, and with a small laugh, I pull back.

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