Warn a girl

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Chapter 5- Hold on tight

"... Two souls are sometimes created together and in love before they're born."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald The Beautiful and the Damned

Clarke and I had ended up staying up that whole night. We loved, we laughed, we read and it was the absolute best night I could have ever asked for. We couldn't get enough of each other and I don't just mean physically. Although, let's just say I did get to prove I wasn't all talk on the stamina front. But we also couldn't get enough of one another on an emotional level.

We talked about everything and nothing. Clarke had let her walls crumble apart right in front of my eyes. She told me more about her dad and how hard it was to adjust to the new responsibilities after he had died. Along with watching her mother spiral into something Clarke couldn't help her out of. She steered clear of any escort talk but told me how she ended up selling weed. Her dad had sold it for one of his friends and when he died Clarke's mom Abby was supposed to take over since they couldn't afford to lose that income. But her mom would drink during the day and be passed out when people stopped by to pick up. So Clarke had to learn and be the one to do it. She said her dad's customers stayed loyal to her after he was gone and her own friends were getting to be that age to start smoking too, so she was able to make up for some of the lost income. She has been doing it ever sense.

She wasn't the only one who was sharing though. I had told her about my birth parents while I was making us breakfast. I told her that I didn't know anything about who they were, but could find out if I had wanted too. How I sometimes wondered about who they might be and why they decided to give me up, but it wasn't ever anything that kept me up at night. My real parents raised me and loved me more than I deserved. She also asked what I was like growing up and I told her I liked to press people's buttons, while having one foot over the line. But was a pretty good kid once I got into boxing.

"Speaking of boxing..." Clarke says, while ripping off a piece of her toast. I was at the stove finishing the eggs, while she sat at the island in nothing but my old Boxing Club t-shirt from school. "Will I have to see you be all beaten up, all the time? Because I know I said your face was stupid, but I really do like it."

This made me smile and laugh. "Well I only box in competition a couple times a year, for a few charities. Lincoln and I will train together without holding back, but most of the time my face remains intact." I brought the pan over and filled her plate up with eggs before doing the same to my own next to hers.

"Thank you." She says, while looking wide eyed at all the food in front of her.

"My pleasure." I told her, before refilling both our coffees. She stares at me while I sit down and I send her another smile. I actually didn't think I had stopped smiling the entire night and morning.

I take a few bites, and urge her to do the same. But the sudden change in her eyes, tells me something is on her mind.

"Lexa, you know you can still back out right." She tells me before putting her fork down. "Seriously. We're not in too deep yet. I mean, yea... so this last night has probably been the best night of my entire life. But that doesn't mean anything."

I put my own fork down and turn on the stool so I could face her. Giving her my complete attention.

Clarke looks to the side of me and bites her bottom lip. "And sure the sex... my god. I didn't know it was possible for sex to be that good and intimate. But again, that doesn't mean anything. We can still walk away."

I grab my chin with my thumb and forefinger, while also nodding to let her know that I had heard what she said. "Well if I may..." Clarke nods and waves a hand, letting me know she would like my input. "In rebuttal to your points Clarke, I think you may be incorrect in your assumptions. You see, tonight has probably been the best night of my entire life as well. And I think it definitely means something if the people who shared said night, both think it's their favorite."

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