Take me home

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The hours tick by, but Lexa doesn't leave Clarke's side, even after the other girl had fallen asleep. She just sits and watches her, thanking whatever deity out there listening, for every rise and fall of Clarke's chest.

As the events of the night replay in her head, she finally lets the tears she been holding in, out. As much of a toll it has taken on her, her heart hurts far worse for what it will do to the young blonde laying in front of her. She is just glad that Clarke was able to fall asleep. That at least for a few hours, Clarke will be free of her pain.

It's nearly one in the afternoon when Lexa hears the opening door of the hotel suite. She raises off the floor slowly, and heads out into the main area to meet who she hopes is Raven. When she rounds the corner and sees her best friend, her shoulders feel much lighter, and not just because Raven is holding a tray of coffee.

"Figured you would be going through withdrawals about now. Triple espresso, and a few sips away from death. Just the way you like it." Raven holds the cup out, while also eyeing the damage done to Lexa's lip from Clarke's head butt. Lexa wonders if Raven is going to say anything about it, or let it drop. "Are you ok?"

"I will be once I get my fix." Lexa takes the coffee, and drinks deeply.

Raven nods back skeptically. "Is she ok?"

Lexa takes another sip of her coffee before answering, and heads to sit on the couch. "She is sleeping now, and might be out for a while. I won't really know the extent of her mood until she wakes up."

Raven sits next to Lexa, putting her legs in Lexa's lap and her back against the arm of the couch. "Have I told you how sorry I am? Seriously, I never thought this would happen. I was just trying to help...I had no idea." Raven gets a curious look on her face. "What's wrong...err I mean what does she have again?"

"Did you read my book Raven? Seriously?" Lexa looks at her in bewilderment.

"Yes! Yes I have, I just forgot."

Lexa sighs. "Bipolar type one with psychosis." Raven nods back acting like that actually answered her real question. "It causes her to have two different types of mood swings. Mania, which is the manic state, and then depression. Depending on the severity of the episode, she can also experience psychosis. That means she can see, hear, or even feel things that aren't real, or experience delusions."

"So is she in an episode right now?"

Lexa shrugs. "I don't know. She can have violent outbursts without being in an actual episode, so I will have to wait and see when she wakes up. I'll be able to tell." Lexa takes a breath before asking what she wants to know. She doesn't know if she wants it to be true or not. "Listen, she had said you tried to bribe her? What did she mean by that?" Lexa asks while helping Raven to take her brace off.

"What? I wasn't trying to bribe her... she was going to get the suitcase full of cash even if she didn't come." Lexa groans and puts her head back against the couch. "She is homeless Lexa. I was just trying to help. Plus, it was only twenty grand."

"She doesn't know how rich you are Raven! The Clarke I knew hadn't had more than a hundred dollars to her name, ever. And you show up with a whole fucking suitcase full of cash. No wonder she reacted the way she did." Lexa carefully moves Raven's legs, and get up. She goes to Clarke's purse and takes out all the pills.

She looks at all the names and doses, and checks to see how many pills are in each. There are not many left, and they are all also cut in half. Lexa shakes her head back and forth, knowing Clarke is doing that to make them last longer, due to money. She has seen it time and time again with the kids in the support group and group home. The problem with it though is that when they cut them in half, they are not getting the correct dose, which means the treatment is less effective.

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