Mystery girl

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Only after she bribes the cabbie with a crisp hundred-dollar bill, he lets Lexa smoke in the cab on the way to the storage unit. While making sure to keep an eye out for a head of blonde hair, Lexa tries to think of what she is going to say when she sees Clarke. Everything she comes up with is either needy or comes off as commands. And you do not tell Clarke Griffin what to do. Not unless you have a death wish.

She remembers her book in her lap, and that's when it hits her. It was her plan the entire time; let Clarke read their story. She needs to remind her of their beginning, of all the good times. Clarke can't see past the bad stuff, everything that happened before she left. Also, she needs Clarke to know that she has been doing everything to understand the disease that Clarke thinks makes her broken. Lexa's lip raises in a small snarl, remembering Clarke saying that's what she was. She hates that Clarke thinks that way about herself. Never would Lexa think her broken, or damaged or any of the other words she has used. Clarke is Clarke. The light of her life. The person who helped Lexa find herself when she was just wandering around in life. Lexa always wanted to write, but there was a huge chunk of her life where she couldn't write one fucking word. She would stare at blank pieces of paper and nothing would come. Then she met Clarke, and it was like her pen couldn't keep up with her heart and mind.

Tossing the cigarette butt out the window she lights another, because she is freaking the fuck out internally. They should be there soon, and as they turn down the street it's on, her phone vibrates in her hand. She looks down seeing a text from Octavia pop up on the screen.

Octavia Blake: hey what time is ur flight landing Clarke was supposed to call me back with the time. I can't fucking wait to see her I'm so jealous of you rn! Can you fucking believe our girl is back woods?!?

Lexa has never typed a response faster in her entire life.

Lexa: What do you mean I thought you were on your way here to get her?

Her phone rings seconds later.

"Please tell me Clarke is with you?" Octavia says when Lexa answers. Lexa can't speak. She knows in her heart what's going on, but her mind can't grasp it. "Lexa! Is she with you?" Even though Octavia can't see because it's a phone call, Lexa shakes her head in response. "Lexa!"

"No. No she's... she left." The cab pulls to a stop, and the driver stares at her to get out.

"'re joking right."

Lexa shakes her head again, still not grasping reality at the moment. "Said you were driving here to pick her up because she hadn't changed her mind about her and me."

"No! That wasn't the plan. She was supposed to call me back when she found out what time the plane was going to land. Oh my god. This isn't happening. Tell me isn't happening. She's running again Lexa. You can't let her get away. Please I'm begging you, don't let her get away." Lexa can hear the panic in Octavia's voice.

All of a sudden something changes in Lexa. She gets angry. How could Clarke think of doing this again to her, or Octavia and everyone else who cares about Clarke back home? Everyone that helped search for Clarke, and worried about her wellbeing for the last three years. There is no way Lexa is going to let this happen again. At least they are lucky, and actually have a good head start to find Clarke. Last time, Clarke left in the middle of the night. And now, its only been a half hour, tops.

"I won't let her, Octavia. She said she was meeting you at the storage unit and I'm here now." Lexa reaches in her wallet and over pays the driver before getting out of the cab. "Call Raven, tell her to give you a list of any contacts or friends Clarke might have over here and start calling them. She was living in the storage unit and the shelters, so ask Raven to check those and I'll wait here. I have a feeling this is where she would come first."

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