Pros and cons I

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Chapter 4 -Truths

"I once had a thousand desires, but in my one desire to know you, all else melted away."

After Clarke had left, I was feeling way too high to do anything but just lay there. I was replaying the kiss over and over again, making sure every detail made it into my long term memory. The taste of her breath as I greedily took it for my own lungs. Oh, fuck me...her lips, and how it felt to run the tip of my tongue across them. And my favorite part... her cotton candy hair and how sweet it actually smelled.

It took only one more run through of the kiss before I had to get up and go take a cold shower. While in the shower, I decided to work out, instead of trying to sleep. It wasn't going to happen, anyway. I already had my sports bra and shorts there, so I could change into them after my shower. Once I was dressed, I had put on my extra long workout playlist over the gym sound system and hit the weights first.

After about a half hour, I was in the middle of my last set of barbell squats, when I heard a knock on the main door. Of course, I had hoped it was Clarke, so I broke my own rule and threw the weights down on the mat. I grabbed my towel and water before going to answer it.

Even though my mother was very religious, I never really believed in god. That is, until I opened the door and saw Clarke standing there. Then I knew there had to be a higher being out there somewhere and for some reason, they were favoring me.

Her almost shoulder length hair was wet, like she had just showered, and she was wearing a white tank top and short frayed jean shorts. When I opened the door her eyes grew wide as she looked me up and down. She pointed her finger to my abs, and slowly brought her eyes up to mine. "You..." She bites her thumb, giving me a guilty look before holding up one finger and letting her eyes roam all over my body again. I can feel a couple beads of sweat drop down my neck and chest, that Clarke notices as well. Her eyes follow it's slow trek before disappearing into the fabric of my bra. Then she holds out her hand, and places her hand on my stomach. "Oh. Yep. That is actually exactly how I imagined them to look and feel." She says, before giving my abs a little pat. "Nice work."

"Thank you. Would you like to come in Clarke?" I asked, amused.

She looks back to my stomach, before meeting my eyes again. "I couldn't sleep, and I know I said I needed to go home, but somehow, here I am."

I notice she had a few note books in her hand, and a small case. "Well, did you want to hang out here for a bit. I won't bother you, I can continue my work out, and you can draw." I point to her books.

"Oh, no, I'm making lists right now." I cock my head a little in confusion. "Pros and cons." She doesn't elaborate, but decided to stay as she walks past me and into the gym.

"Well, would you like to hang out and work on them?"

She eyes me carefully. "It might help."

I gave her a soft smile. "Ok. Feel free to change the music or turn it off. The control is right there." I point to the wall. "You can go up to my office if you want, or hang down here." I walk back to the weights I dropped and put them away. I could feel her eyes on me as I picked up my jump rope. "Let me know if you need anything." I tell her. She locks eyes with me and just nods.

I was feeling confident after seeing her be the flustered one for change, so I didn't break eye contact with her when I started my next exercise. I was pretty good with the rope, being small and quick. So I watched her, watch me. I started with lifting both my feet slightly off the ground, as the rope sped lightening fast up and around my head and below my feet. Then after a few minuets, switched to just jumping on one foot, but alternating them after every five jumps or so, while I turned around in a slow circle.

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