A lover... a fighter

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Chapter 2- Allies

"They told me that to make her fall in love, I had to make her laugh. But every time she laughs, I'm the one who falls in love."
Tommaso Ferraris

It took all of about thirty seconds of watching Clarke walk away from me, to be able to get my feet moving. "Clarke wait!" She didn't. She didn't turn around, she just kept walking. So I jogged down the street to catch up with her, and was able to get in front of her just as she reached her house.

"Clarke please, let me explain." I asked when she was forced to stop, since I had been standing in her way. She crossed her arms, set her jaw, and then gave me a look that said... You have three seconds before I clock you and keep moving.

So, can you guys guess what I did in all the allotted amount of time...I stared. I know! I needed to get it the fuck together, but you have no idea how beautiful she looked in the sun, and up close. Seriously.

I'm pretty sure she knew I wasn't able to stop at that point until forced. I was staring at her lips when I noticed they were moving. They were saying my name, and I'm pretty fucking sure I smiled like an idiot. God, why can't I be making this shit up?

"Lexa." She had to say again.

"Hmm? Oh fuck! Right... so let me explain. It's not what it looks like."

She gets an overly exaggerated shocked look on her face. "No? You didn't buy a piece of shit building because somehow how found out where I lived?" Have I told you how much of a turn on strong women are to me? Probably should have mentioned that sooner, but yeah.

I tried to lie and say, nope! Pure coincidence Clarke! Isn't that crazy? Must mean we're soulmates...wanna date me? But I couldn't. Only the truth would come out. "Kind of...?"

Looks like Clarke was not expecting that to actually be true, because she gets a real shocked expression on her face this time. "Are you a fucking serial killer because everyone on this block owns multiple guns...even me."

I blinked a few times before answering."Why does everyone think I'm a serial killer over here? Do I really give that vibe?" I know it wasn't the right time but I was fucking curious. Both her and Aden asked and I didn't want to get a complex. "And I mean kind of because I was looking for a gym and...well when I was checking this place out I saw you. And I don't know Clarke, it kind of felt like a sign because...shit this is going to probably not help my case, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we met."

She sighs before rubbing her face. "Lexa. First of all, I wasn't even myself that night we met, so forget anything you felt at all. It wasn't real. And secondly, the rule part was true. I'm not looking for anything or anyone. I'm good with the people in my life and I don't want any others in it." She sounds tired when she says this, but not mean.

Her first point hadn't really registered when she said it because her second point made me forget it almost instantly. I felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world. I didn't take her feelings into account when I saw her and instantly decided to buy the gym. All I was thinking about was another shot at getting to know my mystery girl. "You know what, I am really sorry Clarke. I didn't take your wishes you had expressed into consideration, and was completely focused on my own selfish ideas of that night. I promise I won't try to impose on your life. We can honestly remain strangers."

She doesn't say anything right away, just kind of looks me over to see if  I'm actually telling the truth.

"I swear. I'll stay over at the gym and won't bother you. You will only get a smile and neighborly wave if we do cross paths. Unless you don't want that either. I can give you the old and crotchety neighbor scowl instead." I raised my fist slightly in the air and gave the best old and crotchety impression I could muster. "Damn kids, stay off my lawn!" Jesus. So embarrassing.

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