Have a little faith

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Chapter 7 – Bow out

"She's not the kind of girl you choose your battles for. She's the kind of girl you fight to the death for."
Colleen Hoover, November 9

After we got our tattoos, Clarke was not ready to go back home yet and I was in no position to tell her we had to. We were both having so much fun, I didn't want it to end. She asked if we could go back to the city, that she wanted to show me something. Of course, I said yes and headed back that way.

Clarke had me park on a side street in Corktown and I was only mildly nervous that my car would be stolen. When I locked it three times she just laughed at me before taking my hand and leading me to her surprise location.

Turns out Clarke was taking me to the abandoned train station. It had been vacant for years and well, just between you and I my friends, I was a little worried. It was huge, dark and I heard it was a favorite hangout place of vagrants throughout the city. Also, don't give me shit about being a little scared ok? I grew up in the safe little suburbs and I was more concerned about something happening to Clarke, rather than myself. I could protect her if I needed to, but what could I do against multiple people that probably had guns. I'm not even going to mention about how growing up, I always heard it was haunted. Or I guess I did mention it. Forget I wrote that.

Anyways, when Clarke saw the concern on my face when we arrived she pulled me in for a kiss while she walked backwards. "Don't be scared."

"I'm not." Would have been more believable if I hadn't said it in such a high pitched voice... whatever. Like I said, I was only worried about something happening to her.

I'd never been to the old train station before and I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but when we snuck through one of the broken windows, my jaw dropped. "Holy shit." The place was huge! I couldn't see all the detail from far away, but the moonlight did shine through enough that it helped me see the details if I was up close. The old vaulted ceilings were really something to look at and the pillars next to where we snuck in, seemed to go on for miles. I didn't know what was more beautiful, the original designs in the marble walls or some of the graffiti that had been spread throughout out.

I felt Clarke's eyes were on me and when I turned to her, she had a huge smile on her face. "What do you think?"

"I'm speechless, Love."

"I like to picture what it would have been like when it was first open." She grabs my hand and takes me all around showing me part of the ground floor. "Can you picture it? Everyone dressed up in their old time clothes, waiting for a train that was going to take them on an adventure to someplace new and exciting." I tried to keep my focus on what she had been showing me and to imagine what she was seeing but it was hard. And if you knew my Clarke, you would know why. It's next to impossible to see anything besides her, especially when she was so bright and happy.

She went to go lead us to explore some more but I pulled her back. "Wait." I wanted to kiss her but I couldn't stop staring at her. The way she looked in the soft light of the moon, it had me frozen where I was.

"You're staring Lexa." She whispers to me while I pull her closer still.

"I can't help it, Love." I couldn't. Clarke was the most enchanting person I have ever met. I could never and would never tire of her. Every single second I spent with her, was special. I cherished them all.

"We snuck into a hundred year old abandoned building, in the middle of the night, so we could explore and see all this forgotten beauty. Why are you wasting your time here, with staring at me?"

Jigsaw Girl Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora