Please don't go

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Major TW for self harm/ suicide attempts, if you are ever struggling my DMs are always open <3

Usually being one to wake at dawn, Lexa was confused to find the sun high in the sky and blinding her through her wide open windows. Shielding her eyes, she turns over in her bed, waiting for the hangover she assumed was coming. And then her eyes snapped open when she realized she wouldn't be getting a hangover. She only had one beer the night before because she was with Clarke!

Her heart starts to race and her throat tightens as she feels around the empty bed. "No. No, no please don't be..." A dream. It was always a dream, no matter how real it had felt. She knew in the next few waking moments the details of the dream would fade away and she would stop wondering if Clarke had really been there or not. So she decides to pull the pillow next to her over her head to help block out the sun, while she tried to remember as many of the details as possible before they disappeared for good.

The second Clarke's scent from the pillow hits her and she realizes it wasn't a dream, she also hears glass breaking from the kitchen.

"Clarke!" Lexa bounds off her bed, still naked and runs to the kitchen.

Once she makes it out of the hallway, she sees Clarke standing on the counter, barefoot and only wearing one of Lexa's tshirts. "Oh god Lexa. I'm so sorry." Clarke says while looking down at the floor.

When Lexa makes her way past the island she could see the ceramic baking dish that shattered. It had been on the top shelf in her unusually high cabinets.

"I was going to make us a breakfast casserole, it wasn't expensive was it? Or oh no! Was it mom's? If it was, I'm sorry but you know I'll have to tell her you did it, right?"

Lexa can't do anything but stare back at Clarke. The last few days weren't just some fantasy her mind had created. They were real. The previous night was real and she couldn't believe it.

"What?" Clarke says in response to Lexa's silent staring. "It was mom's wasn't it?" Clarke bites her finger in worry.

"No." Lexa can't stop the smile that spreads across her lips. "No it wasn't hers, Love." Clarke physically relaxes and Lexa walks over to the couch, slipping her shoes on that were sitting in front of it. Then she walks into the kitchen, over all the glass, helping Clarke to sit on the counter. Then moves in between Clarke's legs so she can kiss her very real girlfriend.

"Mmmm. So I take it you're not mad." Clarke says, wrapping her legs around Lexa's waist. Her answer, comes in the form of another kiss. This one, more heated as Lexa can't hold back. "Lexa..." Clarke whispers when the brunette moves to her neck.

"Hmmm?" Lexa responds, but doesn't let up.

"If you continue with what you're doing, you're not going to want to serve food from this counter ever again."

Confused, Lexa pulls back and looks down. Then smirks when she realizes what Clarke meant. The blonde was completely naked besides a shirt and surely was getting wetter by the second, as Lexa definitely was. So, since she didn't want to stop, instead she picks Clarke off of the counter to avoid the glass and takes her back to the bedroom, where it didn't matter what kind of mess they made.

As soon as she laid Clarke on her bed, Lexa's cellphone started ringing from wherever it was left within the loft. They both ignored it the first two times, being too caught up in each other. As she was letting her lips make their way down Clarke's stomach, it started ringing a third time.

"Lexa?" Clarke says before arching her back when she felt a firm bite to her hipbone.

"Ignore it." Lexa rushed out before switching so she could nibble on Clarke's other delicious hip.

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