The flower and the heart

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After Lexa grabbed Aden's hoodie he had left inside and the blanket off her mother's couch, she lead Clarke through the dining room, to the glass French doors that led into the back yard. She was excited to show Clarke the newest addition to her parents house.

"Look right over there Clarke, just before the dock." Lexa tells her before she flips the switch on the wall near the doors.

"Oh wow!" Clarke tells her, before hurrying up out the doors.

Lexa smiled before following Clarke to the wooden gazebo that sat in the backyard. There were fairy lights strung throughout, so you had light while in there but it wasn't so over powering that you couldn't see the view of the lake in front of it.

"Pops wanted to do something special for mom for their thirtieth anniversary this last year. So, after we did your table, he assumed we could build mom this." Lexa says reaching for Clarke's hand to help her up the steps before following behind her.

Clarke's eye were wide with excitement as she walked around the gazebo. "You guys built this?"

Lexa smiles proud while she nods. "Aden, Pops and I. We worked on it at my uncles house so it would be a surprise. She cried when she saw it."

"He's so sweet. No wonder you turned out the way you did." Clarke added the last part quietly as she looked out to the lake. After putting her coffee on the banister, she closes her eye again. Doing the same thing as when she was inside the house, Clarke takes in a deep breath through her nose. "I forgot how quiet it is here."

"Give it time. Aden's still asleep." Lexa jokes.

Turning her head, Clarke gives the brunette a soft smile. "I've missed this place." She turns back to the lake. "I miss the bonfires and swimming in the lake. I miss papa's booming laughs and mom's hugs. I miss family dinners." Clarke takes a deep breath. "I miss being here with you." She puts her hands up to her face, covering her eyes.

Lexa cautiously takes the couple steps that separated her and Clarke. "We're here now, Clarke. I'm right here with you. I can light a fire. We can go swimming but it's dark. You won't be able to see the fish."

Clarke laughs softly. "They always nibble on me." She defends.

Lexa laughs too and wants to take the other girl into arms while doing it. "I know. They like you. But seriously, we can do whatever you want."

Clarke looks at Lexa before looking back to the lake. "I want you to keep reading to me. Then maybe once it's light out and I can see the fish, we can go swimming."

Lexa smiles as Clarke brings her coffee and sits on the built in bench, facing the lake. "Sounds like a plan." She takes a seat next to the blonde and covers them both with the blanket. "So you said you were reading, where did you leave off?"

"Start of chapter six." She tells Lexa before taking a sip of coffee. "I didn't get very far."

"Good." Lexa whispered. She wanted to read all of her written words to Clarke. Lexa opens to the page, before chugging a little bit of her own coffee. She clears her throat before starting. "Chapter six..."

Chapter 6- Forever

"I'm with you. No matter what else you have in your head I'm with you and I love you."
Ernest Hemingway- The Garden of Eden

It was Saturday morning, the day of the big family dinner and I was at the gym. I was meeting with a former client of Lincoln's about possibly taking over her training. Her name was Ontari and she was starting to make a name for herself and for some reason, had asked for the meeting with me specifically.

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