Prons and cons II

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Chapter 4- Truths (cont.)

When I got back to the gym, I fell asleep the second my head hit the futon. I didn't think I was going to, what with all the excitement over the last twenty four hours, but I did. It wasn't a long sleep though, as I was literally pulled from it a few hours later by Lincoln.

He pulled me off the futon, onto the ground and leaned over me while he slapped me lightly in the face a few times to wake me up. "Lexa. Wakey wakey you little Romeo you." A harder slap, that makes me shoot up and almost hit him the same way I had hit Finn. "Tell us all about it, Sexy Lexi." He laughs as my head falls back down to the ground.

"Let me sleep you dick!" I start trying to kick him, but he blocks each one easily.

"They kissed." The voice came from behind Lincoln. I peered around him to see Octavia sitting at my desk, typing away on Lincoln's phone. Her eyes go wide as she reads something off the phone. She starts fanning herself. "Wow Woods, I didn't think you had all that in you. You know, because of all the awkwardness."

I shoot up into a sitting position. "Is that Clarke? What is she saying?"

Octavia laughs while continuing to type out text messages. "It is Clarke, and I can't repeat what she says, Lexa. It's private..." she looks back at the screen after the notification dinged. She put her hand over her mouth before looking back to me with a touched expression. "Awww."

"Awww what?"

"Can't say." Octavia responded before typing another response, and then handing Lincoln the phone back. "I'm going to go home though, hear it all again in person. And check on Aden." She gets up and gives Lincoln a kiss, before turning to me. "Our plan is working, now don't fuck it up. And if you hurt her..."

"I won't." I was so fucking serious, and Octavia gave me a stern look while she looked me over.

She finally nods after a few seconds. "You better fucking not, Lexa. I will fucking kill you."

I couldn't help but smile, because of how much Octavia cares for her best friend and sister. "I swear."

"Ok good." She nods at me, and turns to give Lincoln another kiss. "I'll see you later tonight." He nods back and we both watch as she walks down the steps.

Lincoln turns to me once we hear the gym door shut. "You gotta get Clarke her own fucking phone Lexa."

"What? I'm not buying Clarke a phone, she will smash it over my head! And why, what's the big deal?" I could feel my muscles pull and strain as I stood up in front of Lincoln. They were definitely upset that they didn't get the rest they needed.

"Do you know how stressful it is every second Octavia has my phone. All it would take is for her to type the letter P in the search bar Lex. Do you even know the amount of porn that is on this thing! She will break up with me!" He explains while he waves his phone in front of my face.

I smacked it out of his hand and it lands on the futon. "Gross, dude. Not my problem."

"Fine, how about we go in on a phone for Octavia. Because you will win out too, and they won't need to share it."

I thought about that for a second, it would be nice for Clarke to have her own phone. We just started talking, so it hasn't been a problem yet, but why wait for it to be? "Ok deal."

He smiles before pushing me out of the way to lay on the futon. "Awesome. Oh and Uncle Gus is on his way to fix that roof leak. Auntie is pissed that you left last night, so he is also supposed to yell at you for that."

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