Yuki: "Hijikata!"

Why am I standing around for? I have to help him. What? I can't move?

???: "Now, now, you don't want to hurt yourself now do you? Just sit back as we tear your boyfriend apart."

A man held me tightly from behind grabbing my wrists, so that I wasn't able to move. I didn't even notice him. Hijikata was beaten to a bloody pulp. His eyes opened barely. His hand was open as he tried reaching for me. I couldn't hear what he said, but I could read his lips.

Hijikata: "Yuki.........no."

Rouge: "I told you, you can't beat me."

The rouge raised his blade as he held Hijikata with his foot. He was going to kill him. I could feel the tears coming from my eyes as I struggled to get free. I can't transform like this, not willingly.

Yuki: "Hijikata!"

Hijikata: "Yuki........this is.......an order ............look away."

Yuki: "No!"

The sword came down. Hijikata's eyes widened. He coughed up blood as his body went limp.

Saito P.O.V

I woke up as I looked at around to see Yuki staring in horror at.....Hijikata's motionless form. No I can't be! He can't be dead. The man that had been holding Yuki released her as she slumped to the ground on her knees.

Rouge: "Yuki, this is what you need. You must learn to hate in order to be valuable to us."

This man spoke as if he were to take Yuki. It sickened me. How dare he. She narrowed her eyes as she continued to stare. Yuki took in deep shaky breaths. Her eyes turned blood red, her long black hair turned to bright silver. It was different this time. She grew fangs as a red aura appeared around her. She grew pitch black feathered wings. What was Yuki? Was this Gina?

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