Chapter 14

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3 Days Later

General Narration

Yuki, Hijikata, Saito, Heisuke, Harada, and Shinpachi aboarded the ship named La Cambria

Heisuke: "I've never seen a ship this big before."

Yuki: " I was told, by Gina, that my father had her built. She could go through any weather. The Italians call her Forte Madonna, meaning Strong Woman."

Hijikata: "This ship belongs to your clan?"

Yuki: "It seems that way. Come on."

They boarded the ship and looked around. The crew looked at them with disgust, not stopping to continue what they were doing.

Heisuke: "The crew seems to hate us."

Hijikata: "Pay them no attention."

Heisuke: "Yes sir."

They walked towards their designated rooms, but were stopped by one of the crew members. He walked over in front of Yuki, attempting to intimidate her. He had black hair, hazel brown eyes, and stood about a foot taller than Hijikata.

Yuki: "Can I help you?"

???: "I'm crew leader. My orders come from the Capitan. My name is Frutelio. Tell me what is weak little girl and boys like you, doing on ship like 'dis?"

He spoke with a heavy Italian accent. Heisuke and Harada covered their mouths attempting to suppress a laugh. Saito pinched the bridge of his nose as Shinpachi looked away. Hijikata and Yuki looked dead straight at the man.

Yuki: "Why is big man on ship. You surely sink ship."

Yuki talked back, mimicking his accent. He gritted his teeth and raised his hand, ready to hit Yuki.

Frutelio: "How dare you."

His hand came down as Yuki sighed. To his surprise, Yuki had blocked his hand before it landed.

Yuki: "If you want to pick a fight, I suggest you turn around and leave us alone"

Frutelio smiled with a snicker.

Frutelio: "And if I don't? "

Yuki: "Well that's quite easy. One, I can have my friends let you have it, or two, I can get you fired with the authorization of Naveah Zarate. The wife of Isobu Shirayuki You choose."

Frutelio stepped back, removing his hand where Yuki had blocked it.

Yuki: "Wise choice. One more thing. Just because I'm a girl, doesn't mean I'm weak. Good day. Let's go guys."

Yuki and the others went into their quarters and placed their things to a side of their own.

Harada: "Damn, little sister. You're harsh."

Saito: "If you can do that, why didn't you do that when we met you?"

Yuki: "Did you forget that Hijikata had a sword to my throat?"

Saito: "Good point."

Hijikata: "At the time, if you would've made a move, I would've killed you where you stood."

Yuki: "You are on cruel basterd."

Everyone chuckled as Yuki cracked her knuckles, neck, spine, and arms. As soon as they heard that they stopped laughing and looked at Yuki.

Yuki: "What?"

Heisuke: "Ewww."

Harada: "The hell was that?"

Yuki shrugged and laid in her bed. The others didn't ask as they too laid down and rested.

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