"...accidents happen."

Start from the beginning

"Why do I even have a bag in the first place!" He complained as he stormed over back to the table grabbing the bag and walking over, the two girls follow after as he continued to walk away and head to the band room. As they turned the corner, Deena bumped into someone, the person's books falling to the ground as the girl stumbled back before Deena caught her.

"Shit." The girl mumbled and then looked at Deena, Deena's eyes widening as she had just caught her crush, Samantha Fraser, the two grin at one another, "Hey Deena." She hummed out, moving back a little, Deena letting go and the two kneeling down.

"Hey, S-Sam..." Deena stuttered out as she grabbed her jotters for her, there being 3 and Sam picking up 2 books.

"Thanks." Sam thanked as the two girls stood up, Deena handed her the books, 

"You gonna be okay with all them?" Deena asked,

"Uh... I think so." Sam hummed out, "Thanks though." She thanked once again before walking off, Deena's eyes following her, she leaned her right shoulder just before the corner and watched her walk away; slightly struggling. 

"I'll be back." Deena said before rushing after her, "S-Sam, wait." She called out which Sam did. Deena took most jotters — 3 jotters and 1 book to be exact — as Sam practically forced her to at least carry one.

"Thanks for doing this." Sam thanked once again,

"You don't need to thank me, Fraser. It's okay." Deena grinned out which Sam widely smiled at her for. They stopped at Sam's locker, Sam putting the book she was carrying then one-by-one, put the jotters and book in. 

"Hey, before you go." Sam started as she saw Deena about to turn around and go, Deena turned back round to her, a small grin on her face. 


"A-Are you gonna be at cheer practise? I've noticed you seem to stay after school to support Kate a lot." Sam acknowledged.

"You've noticed?" She questioned, surprised.

"Of course I have, why wouldn't I?" She asked, a teasing smirk on her face as she closed her locker, locking it.

"I don't know if you know this, Fraser, but everyone practically hates me." Deena scoffed out. 

"What? Untrue." 

"Even the band kids hate me, you don't need to lie to make me feel better." Deena pointed out.

"I'm not lying! I like you!" Sam proved which made Deena smile and look down as she could tell that she was blushing,

"Mhmm, your the first..." She mumbled. Her eyes slowly dragging back up to Sam,

"Anyway, to answer your question, yeah. I'll be there." Deena agreed which Sam nodded her head at.

"Perfect, see you then, Johnson." Sam hummed out going the same way for a minute before Deena walked down the corridor, itching the back of her neck as her head hung down, her eyes fixed at the floor as she replayed what just happened in her mind. Attempting to stop herself from smiling. She turned the corner,

"OO! You and Samantha! Sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N—"

"Finish that sentence and I murder you both." Deena threatened both Simon and Kate who sung it, pointing her index fingers at the two as she was in the middle, her head now up and held high.

"Oh, ha, ha. You love us too much to kill me." Kate pointed out,

"I'm too pretty to die." Simon grinned out running his hand through his slightly curly blonde locks.

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