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Tyler's POV

The Trial

We are sitting outside the courtroom waiting to go in, even though I know my story I'm nervous about what the outcome would be, they might not even believe me and what happens then. The lawyers assistant took me out shopping so I would be wearing something courtroom appropriate, I'm wearing a above the knee black skirt and a white flowy top so it's a bit fancier then what I would normally wear but I did have to fight for the shorter skirt. They called our case in and I sat in the waiting area to be called up to the stand, they brought Grant out and he sat in front with his lawyers beside him.

"Tyler Mayley to the stand please" The judge called

They did the whole hand on bible truth talk and then the questions started rolling.

"Ok Miss Mayley, can you please explain in detail what happened to you on the night in question" The prosecution lawyer asked

"Well I was at my house party when I decided I needed to go out for some fresh air, I walked to the corner and on my way back a van pulled up, asked if I was Tyler Mayley then when I said yes they took me. They taped my mouth shut and put a bag over my head so I couldn't see, they left me alone for I think 4 days then Grant stood up for me, he was the one that gave me waters and took me for toilet breaks then Pierce started to get angry but they took me out for food because they thought that the plan was going to work but when it didn't Pierce started to beat me up and some of the other guys too except for Grant, he looked out for me and he got me out of there safely, Pierce would've killed me that day but Grant stopped him and got us out, safe to say if it wasn't for him I would be dead" I say

"Can you point out to us all who Grant is" They asked

I pointed to him "The man in the grey suit at the front, he's cuffed"

"Thank you, did they ever abuse you sexually?" They asked

"God no, I would've died before they touched me like that" I reply

"We have reports saying that is exactly what happened" They say

"Not from me because that didn't happen" I reply

"Do you feel threatened to tell your truth Tyler?" They asked

"I have told the truth, none of them raped me or touched me in any inappropriate way unless it was to punch the life out of me" I reply

"Would you be able to take a lie detector test to say that you have never been raped" They asked

"Is this fucking necessary?" I asked the judge

"Are you capable of answering that question Miss Mayley?" The judge asked

"I can take the test but I will fail because I was raped in New Zealand is that what you assholes wanted to hear!" I yelled

"Ok can lets take a 10 minute recess" The judge called

"I'm quite happy to carry on" I replied

"Are you sure, you seemed to be quite upset" He replied

"I'm here to tell the truth, that is what I have done. I don't think there is anything more for me to say right now" I say

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