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Tyler's POV

We're sitting on my bed, legs crossed and facing each other like we are at a sleepover and I'm about to spill all my secrets which I technically am going to do. Jake has become my best friend and because of that I want to tell him everything but I'm scared because I don't want him to freak out.

"Ok so theres kind of a lot that went on and some of my texts that I sent you within the first month after I left are about to make a lot more sense, the night I sent you the big text like thanking you for being there and that I wasn't going to forget it and I loved you and you understandably freaked out?" I say

"Yeah" He replies

"I nearly killed myself that night" I sigh

"What?" He asks

"I know it's a lot" I reply

"What do you mean nearly" He asks

"Niko tackled me stopping me from jumping" I say "He stopped me and then he listened to me and he helped through everything and I don't know what else to say, I don't know why but I feel so safe with him and I know he won't leave no matter how many times I ask him to and I know this is going to sound so fucking stupid but I feel like it's a sign from Taylor yanno like she sent me a sign and someone I can trust and who won't leave me when It gets rough"

"You don't sound stupid because I believe that too, I can tell when you met him because you sounded so much happier I could hear it in your voice and I'm glad you found someone who cares about you and isn't going to leave no matter how many times you scream because I know thats the person you need in your life" He says

"Don't get me wrong Jake, I have that in you too and I'm so blessed to have you in my life because I don't know what I would've done if you left me that day"

"I care about you too much to have left you there like he did Tyler and I have struggled with him ever since, I still want to punch his fucking face in every time he looks at me" He says

"It's been so hard but I finally feel good in my own skin which hasn't been the case for years and I feel secure and I'm genuinely happy that is when I don't have everyone else fighting against me" I say

"I can tell that you're happy and I'm so happy for you because you deserve it so much and after everything you've been through I know now that Niko is the person you need in your life" He says

"Thanks" I smiled "I really like him"

"I can tell" He replied "But I'm telling you right now if he hurts you I won't hesitate in fucking him up"

"Thanks" I smiled

"So are you really over Sam or are you just saying you are?" He asks

"I don't know" I sigh

"Seriously though like are you still into him" He asks

"I'm like half and half, I still like him but I have Niko and he has never given me a reason to not trust him like Sam did" I reply "I need someone that's not going to leave me"

"I agree you need someone that's not going to walk away and after everything you went through with him I can understand why you wouldn't want to be with him"

~ Flashback ~

I just got home from the funeral and I've started to pack a bag to head away with but I'm interrupted by a knock at my balcony door and Sam standing there. I walked over and slid the door open and he hugs me. I don't want to be hugged or even talked to right now, I gently pushed him back and gave him a weak smile.

"What's wrong?" He asks

"That's a dumb question" I reply

"Why are you pushing me away?" He asks

"I just don't want to talk right now, I feel sick and I want to be left alone" I say

"Oh right so you don't want me here" He said clearly angry

"I don't want to fight with you but you don't know what I'm going through and it's probably best if you just leave" I say

"That's shit!" He yelled "You finally let me back into your life and when you need someone the most you don't want me anywhere near you and I guarantee Jake will be over here as soon as I'm gone"

"Are you jealous?" I laughed

"Fuck you" He yelled

"Answer me then" I laugh "Why are you jealous of him?"

"I'm not fucking jealous so shut the fuck up" He yelled and pushed me back, so hard I fall to the floor

"What the fuck is wrong with you" I yelled

"I didn't mean to push you that hard" He says

"You shouldn't have pushed me at all Sam" I yelled

"I'm sorry" He says

"You need to leave" I say and stand back up

"No Tyler, you said you needed someone in your life that wasn't going to leave you and I'm not going to leave now" He says

"You've left me multiple times before why would today be any different for you look I'll make it easy for you so you go run off to Jade who I know is waiting for you and just let me be ok" I say

"She's not waiting for me and you need to stop bringing her into every conversation" He says yet again getting very angry

"Why? You run back to her when it gets shit with me, so I'm not sure why you get defensive about it when she's your rebounder" I reply

"Shut up!" He yelled

"It's the truth" I yelled back "While I was with my dead sister you were with her after our 'special' night so you shut up"

"Fuck you" He said in anger and just punched me causing my lip to cut and bleed

I fell back to the bed and felt my lip and saw the blood coming from it, he knew he fucked up and ran over and I just pushed him back and kept pushing until he was outside on the balcony and I locked the door and drew the curtains behind him. As soon as he was blocked out I dropped to the floor and just cried, theres absolutely no need to get physical especially with a chick and he's now made my decision a lot easier. I grabbed my phone and just started to type.

Sam you have made my decision 1000 times easier today, Dan and I are heading out of town for a while and I don't know when I'll be back so after everything I decided that I can't be your girlfriend or anything close to that, just friends. I know your probably blaming yourself and I know I'm not flawless but I would never hurt you the way you hurt me today. So I'm sorry but I won't be able to talk to you at all while I'm gone, I need to focus on me and only me.

I hit send then blocked him because I don't need to see his reply.

~ Flashback Ends ~

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