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Tyler's POV

Monday Night

I spent the rest of the day with Niko, we went out and picked up his new uniform from the dry cleaners and school books from the stationary shop, I still can't believe he's moved here and we are going to be going to the same school! Niko was a massive part of my healing and moving on from everything that has been going on, I'm still grieving Taylor slowly but no one will be able to help me get over that. I messaged my friends and I wanted to meet with them tonight to talk to everyone and explain why I've been the way I have so we are all meeting at the pizza parlour tonight for dinner. I also talked to Dan about the fight at school and Jake staying with us until he can talk to his parents which he was really good about for both issues, he wished that I had smacked Jade harder then I did.

"Hey guys" I say as I joined the group, the group being Tate, Tom, Leah, Abby, Zach and Jake. Ash has been ignoring me since the accident for whatever reason.

"Hey!" Tate and Tom both say as they all
group hug me

"I missed you guys" I smiled

"We missed you too" Tom says

"So I guess you guys wanna know what's been going on?" I say

"First of all are you ok?" Leah asks

"I'm a lot better, physically and mentally" I reply

"Good" She smiled

"So where'd you guys go?" Tate asked

"We planned her funeral and decided that after It we would just leave for a while, I pretty much shut my phone off and really focused on myself and getting my mental health right before coming back home to deal with more shit" I say

"And it worked? I mean like you feel a lot better about everything now like your past?" Zach says

"I'm on really good meds and the doctor I go to is really good so I'm not having as much trouble and thinking about certain things like my parents" I reply

"That's good" He says

"Yeah" I smiled "Anymore questions?"

"You haven't told the group about Niko" Jake says

"Niko?" Leah smirked and nudged me "Who's this Niko?"

"I met him while I was away and he's really helped me with my healing I guess you could say so we ended up getting really close and he's moved here and got accepted into Grovewood annnnnd starts tomorrow" I reply

"Your face lights up when you talk about him" Abby says

"What?" I laugh "I care about him"

"Are you guys together?" Zach asks

"Not really" I reply

"Not really? Yes or No like do I need to pre-warn Sam that you'll be walking in with a new guy on your arm tomorrow?" Zach asks

"Sam has Jade so why does it matter Zach?" I reply

"He doesn't though" Zach laughed

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