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Tyler's POV



I wake up and I go to sit up but then theres a heavy weight around my waist, I turned around and Sam was sleeping next to me with his arm around my waist. I shoved him and he woke up in a scare, his eyes are wide and he looks confused and tired.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"When he told us to leave I couldn't leave you after the way he treated you so I climbed up your balcony and waited for you to come back and then you just got into bed and I didn't want to scare you but I don't know ok I'm sorry" He says

"You should've woken me up" I say

"Ty it's been a long time I didn't know if you were still having trouble sleeping or not so I decided to let you sleep but be here in case" He says

"Sam you don't have to do that" I say

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you that I still love and want to be with you" He says

"It's hard to just forget everything" I say

"I know that Tyler" He says "I think about it everyday"

"It's not even the hit though it's the other stuff" I say

"What other stuff?" He asked

"The you and Jade stuff, the your dad liking me but you not believing it stuff, it's a lot" I say

"I thought we were over that?" He asked

"Exactly my point Sam, no girl could really get over walking out to see her boyfriend kissing another girl or having him say that his dad didn't actually like me for me like it still sucks to think about it" I say

"So there is no chance at all?" He asked

"I didn't say that" I reply

"So what are you saying?" He asked

"I don't know ok I didn't think we were going to talk about it right now" I say

"I just need to know one thing and then we're good ok" He says

"Ok" I say

"I have a chance to get you back right?" He asks

I nodded "Yeah you do"

"Good" He smiled

"Does anyone else know that you're here?" I ask

"Zach does and Jake came in last night but otherwise no one else" He says

"Ok" I say

"Are we good?" He asked

"Yeah we are" I smiled

"I've really missed you" He says

"Same" I smiled

"Wanna make out or" He starts

"No" I laughed "I'm ganna get ready for school"

"Just thought I'd shoot my shot" He says

"Nice try" I smiled

"I'll see you at school ok" He says

"Ok" I reply

"Kiss on the cheek?" He asked

"I will see you at school" I laughed

"Ok see you" He smirked

"Hey" Dan says

"Oh hello" I reply

"Look can we talk?" He asks

"I have to get ready for school" I say

"Please Tyler, my mother is here and I don't need us fighting while she's here ok she is a big pain in my ass and I don't need her having opinions on us ok" He says

"So you wanna just be friends while your mum is here so we look like a happy family?" I ask

"No I do want us to be good but I don't want to be fighting with you while she is here because it is extra stress on me, I just need your support" He says

"You have my support and you always have it Dan but like she's your mum and my 'grandma' and we weren't even introduced like what the fuck is that" I say

"I know and I wasn't happy either but you had already gone off to bed and I didn't want to bother you and she left anyway" He says

"What am I suppose to even call them Dan, I don't know their names and I cant even call them grandparents so I'm stuck too" I reply

"Look they are coming over for Dinner tonight so I'm sure we will work out the kinks later but I need you to go have a good day at school and please try not to get into any trouble ok, I'm going to work from home so I can cook tonight and we will work it out" He says

"Is it family only or can I bring friends?" I ask

"Jake is the only exception ok they know he's living with us so he is going to be the only extra ok" He says

"Ok cool" I smiled

"Have a good day ok" He smiled

"You too" I replied

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