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Tyler's POV

I just ran, sprinting as fast as I could darting through the groups of kids crashing into nearly every one of them but nothing could stop me, this wasn't the first time running from the cops. I looked behind me and they were following me but they sucked at running because I was well ahead. I ran for the art class and barged in slammed the door behind me and ducked down below the glass so they couldn't see me.

"What are you doing?" James asked

"Hiding" I say while trying to catch my breath

"From?" He asked

"The cops" I replied

"What? Why?" He asked

"Because I think they are here to take me away from my dad" I say

"Why do you think that?" He asked

"Because my Grandmother is a bitch and I think she wants to take me away so she can raise me" I say

"That's shit" He says

"It is shit" I sighed

"So how long are you going to hide for" He asked

"Dunno" I smiled

"What if they aren't here to take you away and they wanted to talk to you about something else?" He asked

"I couldn't imagine what they would need to talk to me about" I say

"Tyler I'll be straight with you, they are waiting for you behind the door" He says

"Please tell me you're kidding" I say

"I'm sorry kid but they are waiting for you otherwise they are watching me talk to myself while looking at the floor" He smiled

"Shit" I sigh "Maybe you need to ring my Dad and give him a heads up"

"I can ring him for you" He says

"Thanks" I smiled and pushed myself up

Theres a knock at the door and the police officer walks in.

"Tyler?" He asked

"Yeah" I sighed

"Can you come with us?" He asked

"Can I ask what this is about?" James asked

"We just have a few questions for her" The policeman replied

"Oh what about?" I ask

"Niko" They replied

"What about him is he ok?" I ask

"His parents have reported him missing and we just wondered if you have seen him? He was last seen at your house on Sunday" He says

"I haven't seen him since Sunday" I reply

"Are you sure? No texts or calls, haven't seen him in town or any shops?" He asks

"Na I haven't, he told me on Sunday that he didn't wanna hang out anymore because of some drama but I didn't think anything more about it" I say

"Ok that's for your help, one last question for you and then we will leave" He says, I nod "Why did you run from us?"

"I thought you were taking me away to live with my grandparents" I say

"Why would we do that?" He laughed

"Because she's crazy" I say

"Ok" He smiled "Thanks for your help"

"No worries" I say

I wonder where Niko is, it doesn't surprise me that he runs off because thats just what he does but if his parents are worried and have filled missing persons somethings up. I pull out my phone and get Niko.

Hey Nik, I know we aren't talking or whatever but the cops came to school to talk to me about where you are, you are literally a missing person right now. Just wanted to let you know, hope you're ok.

"You should probably get back to class" James says

"Yeah you're right" I smiled

"See you later" He says

I ran back to English and I had to quietly explain to the teacher why I ran away and he kind of laughed then gave me my new papers to work on. Sam had saved a seat for me so I sat next to him and we started to talk while we worked.

"So am I allowed to go to the beach with you guys?" He asked

"It's a public beach" I smiled

"Oh come on though" He said seriously

"Yeah I don't care if you come or not" I smile

"Cool thanks" He smiled back

"You know what I mean though" I say

"I guess I do" He replied "Did you want to talk about whats been going on?"

"Na not really" I reply

"I miss when we would talk about everything" He says

"Things change though" I sigh

"Yup" He says

I can clearly see he's still upset about it all and I don't need him moping

"It'll be fun to hang with you again" I smiled

"Yeah I'm excited to hang with you too" He smiled with his facing lighting up

"Cool" I smiled

Class finished and the rest of the day flew by with no drama which is so good and almost unheard of for a normal day for me. I'm excited to head down to the beach with everyone I think it'll be fun and I feels like ages since we've all had a fun day out with no fights. Jake and I had stopped home to drop off school bags and change into swimsuits then we went to pick up Zach and Sam before heading down to the beach. Dan stopped me when we were home and told me that I would have to have a family meeting and actually talk to them instead of walking out as soon as I see them.. I say them but it's her that I don't trust.

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