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Tyler's POV

It's 4 o'clock and Jakes still not here and he's not answering my texts which is annoying so I've decided to walk, I don't want to annoy Dan and I need to prove to him that I can do a simple task like walk home by myself.

I put my headphones in and started to walk home. I'm really worried about Jake, it's pretty weird of him to not respond and be 30 minutes late to take us home. Maybe I should've waited for him but it's too late to go back now I'm not too far from home.

I'm about 3 blocks from home and I've noticed that a white van has been following behind me for the last block and a bit. Every time I look back it stops and then will follow me once I turn around again.

I start to pick up my speed, I'm 2 blocks away from home now and they're gaining on me. It's not until they pull up right beside me is when I panicked and ran.

I ran straight home and barged through the door and feel to the ground. Livy comes running over to me.

"Where's Dan" I asked while trying to control my breathing

"He had to run into work" She replied

"Grandad?" I asked with tears streaming down my face

"Out for a walk, what's going on Tyler?" She asked

"I had" I started "to walk" I puffed "but a van and I ran but I couldn't get away and I can't breathe"

"Hey it's ok hunny come here" She says as she leant down and cradled me

"I can't breathe, I thought they were going to take me and I was going to go through it all again" I cried

"I know baby but that's not going to happen ok, just try to focus on your breathing" She says

"I hate..feeling like this" I cried

"I know baby just take some deep breaths" She says

"Hey what's going on?" Dan asked while running over

"Dad" I cried and jumped into his arms

"What happened?" He asked

"She had a scare, a van followed her home from school" Livy says

"It's those damn media vans" Grandad said from behind Dan "They followed me around my whole walk before they got a call and sped off"

"I thought Jake was driving you home?" Dan asked

"I don't know what happened but I waited 30 minutes and he hadn't answered any of my texts from like 2:30 then I decided to walk" I say

"Aw Ty" Dan said and he was rubbing my back

"It's not fair for them to do that to her, she's fucking 16" Grandad yelled

"Brian calm down" Livy said

"No! She has been through already she shouldn't have to deal with those vultures" He yelled

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