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Tyler POV

I had Niko laying in the bathtub and Sam guarded the bathroom door, I jumped into the bathtub and poured alcohol on his gash to sterilise it. I threaded up the skinniest needle I had and started to slowly stitch up his cut. When he would moan and move I would stop and let him take a break before I carried on stitching him up. After I finished up I wiped away the blood and put a bandage over top to stop the bleeding from seeping through his shirt more.

"Ok all done" I sighed

"Thank you Ty" Niko says

"No worries, are you hungry?" I asked

"Kind of" He moaned

"I'll go grab you something" I reply before running downstairs

I grabbed a couple bags of chips and some sodas before running back up but Sam was gone.

"Where'd he go?" I asked

"Left" Niko smirked

"Why?" I asked

"Told him to" He replied

"What the fuck" I say before running downstairs

I chased him down the stairs and run in front of his car just as he's about to drive off.

"What the hell Tyler I could've hit you" Sam yelled

"Why are you leaving?" I asked

"Because I can't stand that guy and he looks like you like he's in love with you and I hate it" He says

"So what?" I ask "I wasn't into him as much as I'm into you and I would love it more if you would stay and hang out with me"

"And what about the dick laying in your bathtub" He asked

"I'm sure by the time we walk back up he's gone, he only needed my help Sam he's not in it for me" I say

"And if he's up there?" He asked

"I'll ask him to leave" I smiled and turn to walk back

"Hang on" He laughed "Come here please"

"What for" I smiled

"This" He smiled and leant in and kissed me.

"Come on lets go up" I smiled

We walked in and Niko and Dan were talking at in the living room but they both stopped once we walked into the room.

"He goes" Dan says

"What? Why?" I asked

"Because he hit you" Daniel says

"No he didn't" I lied

"That's not what I've heard" Dan snapped back

"And when was this?" I asked

"After the funeral, your cut lip you told you know you told me that you fell over" Daniel says

"I did fall, I can show you where the dint is on my wardrobe door" I say

"I don't believe you" Dan says

"Why?" I yelled

"Because Niko showed me the texts of you guys talking about it" Dan yelled back

"I'll go" Sam whispered

"Good idea" Dan said

"No! He goes and so do I" I say

"Ty don't" Sam says

"No I'm serious" I say

"You deserve better Tyler" Niko says

"Fuck off!" I yelled and leaped at him but before I could come into contact Sam grabs me and pulls me back.

"Stop Ty" Sam whispered

"No I'm fucking sick of the drama I can make my own decisions" I yelled

"I know Tyler calm down" Sam whispered and held me

"I want to leave" I say

"Not happening" Dan yelled

"Why? You're going to trust Niko who's brother beat the shit out of me last week!" I yelled

"Don't lie" Dan laughed

"He's the one that did that to you?" Sam asked

"Yes" I nod

"Why didn't you say?" He asked

"Because I didn't want you to freak" I reply

"She's lying" Niko says

"She's not I saw the bruises all over her!" Sam snapped back

"Yeah you probably gave them to her" Niko smirked

"You really don't believe me?" I asked Dan

"I'm sorry but I don't" He replied

"I fucking hate you" I yelled and ran upstairs

I ran upstairs and straight to my room, I've never slammed it so hard in my life and I snubbed the lock and then I left my phone on my bed before jumping off the balcony and onto the grass. I just ran and I didn't know where I was going but I couldn't be around Dan or Niko anymore then I had to right now.

I've been standing in front of their house for about 20 minutes and I don't know whether to knock or not and I'm scared. I'm scared that they wont let me in or want me to go home and I cant go home now, I just need to feel close to her. I build up the courage and knocked, I waited for an answer but there wasn't one so me being me I just kept knocking on the door until someone opened it.

"Tyler? What are you doing here?" Ethan asked

"I could really use some Taylor stories right now" I said with tears filling my eyes

"Are you ok?" He asked

"Nope" I said with a sad looking smile

"Do you want a hug?" He asked

"Yeah" I cried

He walked over and hugged me then he took me inside, he was the only one home so he did what he knew best and we went up to his room, he set me up on his couch with some blankets and just let me sleep. I needed it and for some reason he could tell. He sat on the end of the couch with me for a bit and he gets up to leave.

"Don't tell Dan" I mumbled

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