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Tyler's POV


After the monstrosity of last night I'm so down for just a chill as fuck day and I think I need it too after everything. We decided that since it is such a good day that Dan will fire up the BBQ and everyones invited to come over to hang and eat but I am way too hungover to help the boys so I'm just laying out on the sun lounger waiting for others to come join me.

"Hey you" Niko whispered

"Long time no see" I sighed

"Do you wanna talk?" He asked

"Sure but I'm not moving" I reply

"Ok so I think I need to explain a lot more then what I've told you" He says

"Yeah" I sigh

"So ok um that guy that you talked to was my older brother and Pierce is his boss, I stole a SD card of photos and videos of a some shit that went down because I'm trying to protect someone" He says

"Who are you protecting?" I ask

"He doesn't know it but my brother" He says

"The fella that beat the crap out of me" I ask

"Um well yeah" He says

"And did you tell him not to fucking touch me?" I ask

"I can't, look I didn't know that he was the one beating you and it just changes the game" He says

"Wow" I smiled "I see where your loyalties lay"

"He's blood" He says

"Yeah that's cool Niko but this changes everything for me with you" I say

"I knew It would and I just can't get you too involved in my life especially when this shit is going down around us" He says

I shake my head "You've really pissed me off"

"Niko!" Dan shouts

"Hey man" Niko called back and goes over to chat

Fuck that, for someone who told me they weren't going to leave only to leave me is a bunch of bullshit. I left the boys and went up to my room and straight to where I've got a hidden stash of weed smokes and I sat on my balcony and light one up. Dan doesn't know about my secret weed stash and I want to keep it that way because he'll be pissed and take it away from me.

"What are you doing?" Leah laughed and sits beside me

"Do you want some?" I asked

"Hell yeah I do" She laughed "Are you ok?"

"Yeah theres just no Niko and me anymore" I say

"Oh shit what happened" She asks

"It's complicated but I will be fine I'm just a little gutted that's all" I reply

"Oh Ty I'm gutted for you" She says

"I hate being alone yanno like back home I didn't have a lot of friends but the ones I had were real ones and be there for you until the very end like my friends were the ones everyone else thought we were like fucked because we'd always be holding hands or kissing or whatever like no one knew if we were together all not and that's because I never got the affection from my parents growing up" I say

"You are more then welcome to come kiss me" Leah laughed

"I just want to cry like I'm so tired of being let down" I say

"No dude listen to me right now, you are incredibly strong, you are incredibly smart and absolutely stunning, you don't need a man in your life to feel complete ok so let's go have some food and just have some fun" She says

"I love you dude" I laughed and leant my head on her shoulder

"I know you're tired of this but I'm 100% a real one and I ain't going anywhere" She says

"Same" I smiled

"Hey" Sam called out from below the balcony

"Hi" I reply

"Zach thought you might've been cool with me coming but I can leave if your not" He says

"It's fine" I say

"It smells kinda funky out here" He called back

"We should head inside" I laughed to Leah

"Probably a good idea" She laughed

I quickly changed out of my sweats and into shorts and a hoody, I brushed my teeth and sprayed perfume before walking back out to Leah who was waiting on my bed for me.

"Do I smell?" I ask

"You smell pretty and not like weed if that's what you're asking" She laughed

"Good" I smiled

"Did he really hit you?" She asked

"He did but to be fair I really worked him up, I would've punched me too" I reply

"Not an excuse though" She says

"I know but-" I start

"But nothing Tyler come on" She says

"I know" I sigh

"Fine but what?" She asked

"I still love him" I reply

"Oh" She says

"Yup but I'll get over it" I smiled

"I doubt it" She laughed

"What'd you mean by that?" I ask

"I can't imagine him giving up on you and If you love him then theres not much keeping you apart" She says

"Theres a few boys that will try their hardest though" I reply

"Theres truth in that but true love always prevails" She says

"I'm not that lucky" I laugh

"Don't be so down on yourself" She says

"It's hard not to be have you not heard about my life" I laugh

"Tyler stop ok let's go eat" She says

"Ok" I smiled

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