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Tyler's POV

Jake held my hand tight and when I let go he only held it tighter. We walked in the house and Daniel was sitting in the living room waiting up for us and wanted to hear how the night went, like he does every time I go to a party; he's such a gossip girl.

"Hey guys how was the night?" Dan asked

"Super fun" I smiled and slumped onto the couch

"So your drunk how are you guys?" He laughed and asked the others

"I'm pretty fucked" Leah says slouching next to me

"We're good though" Zach says

"What were they drinking?" Dan asks

"Ended the night on tequila and that's all I know" Zach laughs

"Oh god tequila gets everyone fucked quick" Dan says "But a good night though?"

"The bestest" I smile

"I think you are ready for bed" Dan laughs

"That's probably correct" I sigh

"Hey I'll take Leah home" Zach says

"See you later girlie" I laughed

"Catch ya sista" She giggled

"Come on you" Dan says

"I'll take her up" Jake says and holds out his hand in front of me

I take his hand and he walks me upstairs and then quietly closes the door behind us, I plonk myself on the bed facing the roof and he lays next to me facing me.

"When did this happen?" He asked

"Tuesday" I whispered

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked

"Didn't want you to freak" I reply and turn to face him

"Who did this to you?" He asked

"I don't know" I say

"Tyler" He sighs and turns to face the roof

"I'm serious, I don't know his name and I have never seen him before" I say

"So why don't we go to the police then" He asks

"Because we can't ok it's fine" I say

"You aren't though Ty, you're hurting and you didn't say anything" He says

"Jake please stop" I beg and put my arm around his waist

He puts his arms around me and whispered "I actually really worry about you"

"I'm a tough cookie you know" I smiled

"You know you can talk to me" He says

"Jake you know that I know that" I say

"So why didn't you tell me then" He asked

"I didn't want you to freak out, it was a one time thing ok" I say

"How do you know that?" He asks

"Jake" I sigh

"Sorry" He says

"So I have a question?" I ask

"Shoot" He replied

"This brother-sister relationship kinda doesn't work now" I laugh

He laughs "Yeah it got weird I guess you could say"

"I didn't hate it" I laughed

"Same" He smiled

I sit up a little and I'm looking at his back eye, I gently move the hair out of his eyes and stroked the side of his face.

"Does it hurt?" I ask

"Na I'm ok it was only a tap, barely felt it" He smiled and sat up a little too

"That's good then" I smiled

"Us kissing tonight was just a drunk thing though right?" He asked

"I was barely drunk when you kissed me" I say

"Same" He said before leaning in and kissing me again

"But we probably shouldn't should we" I say

"Probably not" He sighed laying back down

"Sorry I just really don't need the label on me right now" I replied

"I get it and I don't want you to go through that from me" He says

"Thanks" I smiled and cuddled him tight

"What are you guys doing?" Dan asked

"Bout to put a movie, wanna join?" I asked

"Sure" He smiled "Scoot over"

"Scootching" I yelled, they laughed

"Guys" Dan says

"Yeah?" I ask

"I don't have to worry about you guys like getting together do I?" He asked

"Nope" Jake says

"I'll be straight with you Dan, I did body shots off him tonight and that is as far as it'll go" I reply

"Ok good and way to much information" He laughed

"Moving on" Jake blushed

"What movie?" I ask

"What do you want?" Dan asked

"You guys need to choose because I'll probably fall asleep" I laugh

"Ok" Dan laughed

And that was the rest of my night we watched a movie and laughed and just chatted until I passed out. It actually felt like we were a proper family when it's just Dan and I it's just not the same like it's still quiet and theres only so much we can talk about and we are weird because we don't talk about her. Almost like she never existed.

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