Trick or treat🍭

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3rd person POV
Y/n was on her way to the Harper House with her Princess Leia costume on and a trick or treat basket on her hand.

To pick up the quads to go trick or treating in the neighborhood.

She arrived at their door and knock softly, after a while the door opened.

Ricky opened the door with a warm smile on his astronaut costume.

"Happy Halloween, Ricky.". Y/n said with enthusiasm.

"Happy Halloween, Y/n, come on in their almost ready.". Ricky said giving her way to enter the house.

Y/n looked around and seeing the house was awesomely decorated for Halloween, with spider webs on the ceiling, with a jack o lantern bowl full of candies.

And y/n walked to the kitchen while Ricky came up to tell the others to get ready.

Meanwhile on the kitchen y/n saw a tray of Halloween themed cookies, there's a pumpkin themed cookie, a spider web themed cookie and many more designs.

Y/n presumed Nicky baked it earlier this afternoon, but then she picked a piece of a cookie and took a bite.

She indulge to the flavor of the cookie that she ate,while she was suddenly surprised by a warm feeling on her waist.

It was her Nicky-bun hugging her from the back,and guess what costume he is was a Han Solo costume.

I would say to the both of them,What a couple goal,it makes me feel totally single, anyways back to the story.

Cause your dear old author here is feeling so lonely she wants somebody to love her like Nicky as hell.

"Happy Halloween, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky whispered to y/n's ear.

"And Happy Halloween to you too, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said turning her head to Nicky and kiss his cheek sweetly.

"I thought this is going to be horror but why am i seeing romance?". Dicky said sarcastically to the cute couple with his Desperados tux with a guitar case on his hand and a tied hair.

"Just let them be,Dicky.". Dawn said  with her ballet costume on to Dicky while the couple just giggled at each other.

"Happy Halloween to you too Ricky,and of course to you too,Dawn.". Y/n said turning to the 2 of them while Nicky's chin was on her shoulder and his arm around her waist.

"Come on,we're going to run out of candies if we stay here much longer.". Ricky said to the 4 of them.

"Have fun kids.". Mrs. Harper said with her fairy Godmother attire while Mr.Harper has his Dracula attire on with a fang.

Then they decided to go trick or treat,they grab their baskets and head to a random house.

After 10 houses ago their bags was almost full of candies, guess they will have diabetes in the end of the evening.

But that's not all,Nicky and y/n are sweetest among any other candies that exists.

The ants even couldn't resist looking at how sweet they are.

Even though it's Halloween that is supposed to be scary and all,but romance is in the air to both y/n and Nicky.

But it was all interrupted by a kid on a mask jumped scare the quads including y/n.

Making her clutch to Nicky's vest while Nicky was pointing his blaster to the kid on the mask holding y/n close to him by the waist.

And making the other 3 scream to death with horrified looks on their faces.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now