The Chef of my heart🧁

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3rd person POV
One day Nicky was at the living room waiting for an important letter while his girlfriend y/n was at the kitchen grabbing some snacks.

Y/n came out of the kitchen seeing Nicky a bit anxious with his hand on his face while tapping his foot to the wooden floor.

She sighed and walked to him and hugged him from his side.

Nicky was honestly excited yet nervous about that he registered himself to a cooking contest outside of Boulder,but y/n is there to calm him down.

"It's ok,it will come,i promise Nicky-bun.". Y/n said in a soothing voice to Nicky while rubbing his back.

"I know, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky said to y/n while he plants a reassuring kiss to her forehead.

After a while of dead silence a ring of the doorbell caught the love bird's attention from the couch.

They shared each other some looks and dashed themselves to the door and Nicky opened it seeing a mail man.

"Good morning, Nicholas Daniel Harper?". The mail man ask Nicky while he was totally frozen while looking at the mail man with his hand still attached to the door.

"Yes,yes he is.". Y/n answered for Nicky to the mail man with a smile.

"A letter.". The mail man said while handling her a letter with a paper to be signed.

"Thank you.". Y/n said while receiving the letter from the mail man.

"Just sign in here sir.". The mail man said handing the paper to be signed by Nicky to confront that he received his letter.

"Nick, Nicky, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said while she continuously shaking Nicky from his daydream.

"Huh?,what?". Nicky said now finally back to the real world.

"Sign the paper, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said with a smile while the mail man gave it to him to sign and he took it.

He signed the paper and gave ot back to the mail man.

"Thank you,have a lovely day for the both of you.". The mail man said while walking off to deliver more mail.

They both exhaled and shared each other some looks and went in and sat on the couch.

They opened the letter and read it.

After a while they again shared a look and stared at the letter with a blank emotion.

"You're in the contest, Nicky-bun.". Y/n said looking at Nicky with a wide smile on her face.

"I'm in the contest?". Nicky ask wouldn't believe what he just read.

"You're in the contest.". Y/n said once again now rubbing Nicky's shoulder.

"Yes, I'm in the contest, Thanks for being here for me, Baby-Cheesecake.". Nicky said while he eventually hugged y/n and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

After that Nicky eventually starting to practice his skills in cooking for the cooking contest that will be held next month.

Y/n helped him cook a lot of all sort of dishes,from a simple pound cake to a incredible creamy carbonara.

And Dawn, Ricky and Dicky are very supportive towards their brother,Nicky.

-A month later

It was the day of the cooking contest,Nicky and y/n are at Nicky's cooking counter while the host said some welcoming words while Dawn Ricky and Dicky are at the audience.

"It's cooking time, people!" The host said while announcing that it's time to cook.

And for Nicky's category:he will be cooking a full 3 course in a very short time period.

"Guess it's my time for me to exit,the kitchen is all yours Nicky-bun.". Y/n said giving Nicky a encouraging smile at the kitchen counter with all the ingredients Nicky needs for his dish.

"Don't worry Baby-Cheesecake,i got this.". Nicky said proudly at y/m giving her a forehead kiss.

"Spatch-five?". Nicky said holding his spatula to y/n.

"Spatch-five.". Y/n said holding another spatula and slapped it against Nicky's spatula.

Until then y/n kissed Nicky on his lips for a good luck kiss and y/n went to Ricky, Dicky and Dawn at the audience while Nicky started his task.

After 2 hours and a half,the cooks place their meals on the table to be judged by a well known Chef.

"Mmm,oh my goodness.". The Chef said while tasting the dish of the other opponent that is next to Nicky.

"Nicky-bun,why is everyone made their dishes in meat?". Y/n ask Nicky worriedly while looking at the competitors dishes.

"Don't worry Baby-Cheesecake,my vegan meal is just as savory as any meat menu.". Nicky said confidently to y/n and hold her hand giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"And what do you have for me Mr. Harper?". The Chef ask Nicky now tasting his dish.

"What i have for you today are some stuffed peppers,a chickpea pot pie,and last but not the least a truffle mac n' cheese.". Nicky said with proudness on his voice to the Chef.

"Savory-licous.". The Chef said taking a final bite of Nicky's dish that made y/n and Nicky looked at each other squeezing each other's hands.

"Short for some of the most savory vegan dishes i have ever had!". The Chef said to Nicky's savory-licous 3 course meal which made him smile.

"This competition is so hard to choose between all of you who participated.". The host said to all who cooks.

"But there is a one clear winner among all of you.". The host spoke again while the Chef holds the trophy.

"Eliza!". The host and the Chef said in unison while the Nicky raised his hand to grab the trophy but the Chef gave the trophy to the red haired girl who won the competition.

"Wow,maybe I'm lying to myself about being a chef.". Nicky said with his shoulders dropped down and his face went sad.

"No you're not you're an amazing chef Nicky-bun.". Y/n said to Nicky trying to cheer him up.

"No you're a really amazing chef Nicky.". Dawn said to Nicky arriving at the kitchen counter from the bleachers.

"The best in the kitchen.". Ricky added with and encouraging smile on his face.

"Whatever you choose to cook Nicky.". Dicky said giving a pat on the back to Nicky.

"You have always been the Chef of my heart, Nicky-bun.".Y/n said to Nicky and give him a kiss on the cheek.

"You're right Baby-Cheesecake, I don't need a trophy to be a winner,I am already a winner cause your my trophy.". Nicky said to y/n and gave her a passionate kiss.

"The Chef my heart.". Y/n said after pulled away from the kiss.

"My trophy.". Nicky said once more before pulling y/n again for another kiss.

For my Baby-lemon's:
This is JoyClair18's idea,she requests me to made it for her,by DM-ing me😘

She has been an amazing reader,a little sis to me that i never had,and mostly the 1st part of my family here in Wattpad (The Baby-lemon's 🍋).

JoyClair18 is such a sweet girl,she would always greet me in the morning,noon and night.

And she is a fan of Aidan's,she fell in love with Aidan at a young age,Aidan is such a heartthrob🥰

I would like to thank her for everything she did to me,for supporting me through tough writing,short for my "author's block" almost 3 weeks😥

JoyClair18 thanks bb,and enjoy this little imagine for you and to all the Baby-lemon's💛

I love you all,and happy reading 💝
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang