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Y/n's POV❤️
It was morning and its my birthday today,then i heard the door opening revealing my boyfriend the one and only Five Hargreeves carrying a tray of our breakfast,then he gave me a smile revealing his dimple then he walk towards me then he put the tray at the nightstand then he sat at the bed beside me,kissing my forehead and giving me his "i love you" stare to my eyes.

"Good morning sweetheart, how's your sleep?" Five said looking to my eyes then kissed my cheek.
"Good morning dimples, it's great,i see you brought us breakfast."I said to Five while kissing his cheek.
" Yeah,cause i don't want you get tired going down stairs and up again."Five said in a concern look.

" You know you can spatial jump us right down stairs dimples."I said while playing with his hair.
" I know but i dont want you get tired sweetheart so here you go dig in."Five said while cupping my cheeks .
" Awww this is so sweet dimples,but do you know what day it is?" I said hoping Five would remember that is my birthday.
"It's Monday,June 14th sweetheart why?" Five said looked confused.

*I looked down in disappointment*

"You know what it's ok let's just forget it and eat our breakfast."I said not looking at five with a frown on my face.

Five's POV❤️
I saw y/n's smile faded when i said that i don't remember her birthday,of course i remember she's my girlfriend,And yes all of my sibling's know that it's her birthday today but we must remain of not knowing that its her birthday cause we have a surprise for her later at night.

Y/n POV❤️
Me and Five finished our breakfast and i showered while he washes our plates and other utensils downstairs. I got dressed into my regular dress code of course the uniform then i brushed my hair neatly and braided it and got outside to greet my sibling's

"Good morning Allison" I said while smiling.
"Oh good morning y/n" Allison said smiling back.
"Do you know what day it is?" I said hoping she knows.
"It's monday why y/n something important? Allison said to me.
"Oh its nothing forget it any way enjoy your day." I said while a frown formed to my face.

*I cant believe it Five and Allison didn't remember my birthday maybe Luther and Diego can.

"Oh good morning Luther,Good morning Diego." I said feeling enthusiastic.
" Good morning too little sis."Diego said while rubbing my head.
" Good morning too y/n/n."Luther said while patting my shoulder.
"Can you guess what day is it?" I said still hoping they could remember.
" Is it Independence day?" Diego said.
" No." I said.
" Is it Halloween?" Luther said.
" No." I said.
"Then what day is it?" Diego said.
" Nah it's fine nothing important." i said while walking away from Diego and Luther.

*This is so unbelievable first Five then Allison and now Luther and Diego there is only one way to find out and it's Vanya,Klaus,and mostly Ben.

"Hey guys good morning!" I said excitedly to Klaus and Vanya.
" Oh hello y/n!" Klaus said while hugging me.
" Good morning too sis." Vanya said while pinching my cheek.
" Good morning y/n." Ben said while giving me a morning look.
" Can you guess what day is it?" I said hoping they would remember.
" It's June 14th y/n, why?" Klaus said with a blank look on his face.(A/N:June 14th is my birthday.)
"Oh nothing enjoy your day." I said while walking away from them heading to the kitchen.

Y/n's POV❤️
Now this is unbelievable first Five second Allison then Luther and Diego and after that my 3 favorite sibling's forgot my birthday this is the most unbelievable day of my life. The rest of my day was totally messed up they didn't even realized its my birthday including Five. Right now i'm in an ice cream store enjoying my strawberry with chocolate syrup on top with no one else around me after a while i realized it was getting dark and i decided to go home to the academy. I arrived at the academy i opened the door and it was completely dark but then i walked in and closed the door while all of a sudden..."SUPRISE!!!!" They all said in unison. Then the lights turned on revealing a pink and gold lights across the hall.While a party popper pops out some colorful confettis. A huge smile formed to my face and they begun to sing "Happy Birthday" while Vanya holds the beautiful cake with pink candles on it. I walk towards Vanya and blowed my cake and they all applaud.And at the center there was Five holding a bouquet of flowers and a basket full of goodies with tiny teddy bears at the handle of the basket.

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now