When Five's silliness kicks in😅

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Y/n's POV
It was 3:00 pm on the afternoon me and Five are laying on his bed cuddling while i heard a sudden rumble of my tummy... Yeah i was hungry. I giggled.
"Was it you princess?". Five said while he stopped his fingers from stroking my hair.

"Yes dimples.". I said while i giggled.
"Well let's go to the kitchen and make a sandwich our all time favorite of course.". Five said while move slightly to the edge of the bed.
"Sure let's go cause i'm starving.". I said while i leap out of the bed and opened the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something,princess?". Five ask while i give a questioning look.
Five then looked at my nipples through the oversized shirt he bought.
"I'm too lazy to wear those and it's hot outside.". I said while i leaned to the door frame and crossed my arms.
"Atleast put something to hide it." Five said crossing his arms too.
"And what would it be?". I said while a brow of mine rise.
Five then pause for a moment and looked at me with a smirk on his face.

His silliness kicked in to his system.

Five then stood up from the bed and walked towards me and turned me around facing the door.

"This would it be,princess.". Five said while he put his hands underneath my oversized shirt and his hands travelled to my breast cupping them.
"A human bra, seriously dimples?". I said while i giggled at Five.
"You said you're too lazy to put it on so here i am saving the day.". Five said while i feel him smirking.

I giggled to his action and opened the door and walked to the kitchen to make our all time favorite the "Peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich" .

When we arrived at the kitchen Klaus and Allison are there talking and looked to the both us with a brow rising on their face.

Five was still cupping my breast squeezing it a little bit and pinching my nipples while i grabbed the peanut butter jar and a pack of marshmallow and placed on the table with a plate and a butter knife.

"Five what the hell are you doing?". Allison ask trying to hold her laugh.
"None of your business.". Five said harshly while i hit him with my elbow.
"Are you horny or are you clingy today,old man?". Klaus said while he crosses his arms and put his feet at the table.
I giggled to Klaus's question.

"His silliness kicked in Klaus thats what's happening.". I said while i placed the finished sandwiches on the plate.

For my Dimples:
My mind is dirty now,i need some bleach and detergent to clean up my dirty mind.

I really mean it i need the bleach and detergent like right now!!!

Anyways did you "like" it?,for me it gives me cringes🌼

So leave a vote or comment to cheer me up🥳

Have a good day my Dimples 🥰
-Christina Hargreeves ☂️☕

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now