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Dear Baby-lemon's,

          So this is not purely an imagine but this is an encouragement for all of us,a love letter for all of you who is reading this.

I know some of you have been bullied,by according to your looks,your body,and somehow your intelligence.

I have been bullied myself especially in school,i don't wanna burst your bubbles but this is what life is right now.

This world that we're living in is so cruel, people trying to crash our dreams,ruin our very moment to shine,but all we had to do is to rise up and be brave.

Even though they throw rocks or bricks at you instead build a castle that you can rule as a Queen.

You are perfect in different ways,God made you to be a "somebody" not a "nobody".

Today all of the things that are beautiful in the eyes are being bullied and somehow that leads to pressure to fit in,depression,anxiety and mostly suicide.

You don't deserve to be bullied cause you are a beautiful piece of perfection that is made by God.

I am loner, shy type kind of person, somehow being bullied at how quiet i am or me being weird (like talking to myself)

But they don't know what's behind that face you have.

Maybe in your house you have a family problem,your parents are getting divorce,your family is broken.

Some of you here are so energetic, very active and happy but deep inside of our hearts we are lonely, being thrown to the deep end.

Where only darkness exist,no hope,no love just hate and hate and hate everywhere we go.

But that will change cause his year we'll be stronger as ever.

Don't listen to those pathetic dumbass that is so mean to you,listen to what you believe, believe in yourself, God is giving you tons of blessings every single day appreciate it.

And God gave you Aidan cause he knows he's the one that cheers you up somehow and in someway.

Aidan cheered me up during the stupid pandemic,he help me through depression,anxiety, and from loneliness.

He makes me smile through his Livestream on YouTube,his recent pics from the live,his amazing songs,his lifestyle (about being a vegan,and being an ambassador).

Aidan help me get through from a boring day by watching The Umbrella Academy.

My eyes caught his while watching him playing the role of Five Hargreeves,he intrigues me so bad.

That i discovered him being a environmentalist,an actor,a singer/songwriter,and being a humble and meek sort of person he is.

He even been bullied by the "fans" (haters),but he keep himself together and show those haters that he is strong,he became confident by doing Live on Instagram.

And even record his unheard songs that will be out this year,and I'm very excited about hearing those songs of his that will become a milestone.

This year is our time to shine, being respected, being who you are.

It's time to prove to those assholes that you are a queen,a fearless lion (rawr!)

You being an eagle that will fly high with fierce,and you looking down to them on the ground asking for your forgiveness.

Be you,cause you are one in a million.

You,all of you my Baby-lemon's,have been the biggest part of my 2021 year,and I'm glad to continue this book with you.

I'm gonna start my 2022 by doing tons of imagines and loving Aidan,and mostly loving all of you my Baby-lemon's.

Starting now, I'm gonna receive your requests by just DM-ing me on my account.

Stay safe my Baby-lemon's, and hoping to make more imagines for all of you.

Love Christina,
To all of my beloved Baby-lemon's XOXOXO

🌀☕Five Hargreeves/Aidan Gallagher/Nicky Harper Imagines☕🌀Where stories live. Discover now